LYME-OLD LYME -- On Wednesday, Nov. 17, at 6 p.m., Lyme-Old Lyme (LOL) Schools will host a Community Presentation by QA+M Architecture, who will offer an updated presentation of initial findings from their study of the LOL Schools Pre-K to 8 Facilities and solicit community input. The meeting will be held in the Lyme-Old Lyme Middle School auditorium at 53 Lyme Street in … [Read more...] about Lyme-Old Lyme Schools Host Updated Presentation on Initial Findings of PreK-8 Facilities Study, Tonight; Architects Seek Community Input, All Welcome
A Veterans Day to Remember in Lyme-Old Lyme Schools
OLD LYME -- In the words of Lyme-Old Lyme Schools Superintendent Ian Neviaser, "What an amazing day!" He continued in his email to LymeLine, "I have always said that Veterans Day is one the best days of the year in our schools ... and this year was no exception." The flags were out at each school in the district ... ... and each veteran was given a rousing … [Read more...] about A Veterans Day to Remember in Lyme-Old Lyme Schools
Old Lyme Registrar Explains Why No Recount for Region 18 BOE Race Between Lowry, Staab; Result Announced After Polls Closed Was Incorrect
OLD LYME -- Old Lyme Republican Registrar Cathy Carter confirmed to LymeLine by email Monday morning that there would only be one recount Monday evening for the Old Lyme Zoning Commission position with a five-year term beginning 2022. She explained in the email that the results for the fourth position on the Region 18 Board of Education (BOE) were "... read incorrectly on … [Read more...] about Old Lyme Registrar Explains Why No Recount for Region 18 BOE Race Between Lowry, Staab; Result Announced After Polls Closed Was Incorrect
Letter to the Editor: Nov. 2 Election of Critical Importance for Future of Old Lyme, LOL Schools; Voting for Democratic Slate Essential
To the Editor: I cannot begin to fully express the importance of voting for the Democratic slate on November 2. My family and I have lived in Old Lyme since 2005, during which time I have never been as concerned for this town as I have been in the last two years. Incumbent Tim Griswold may have sixteen cumulative years of municipal experience in this town, but I feel … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Nov. 2 Election of Critical Importance for Future of Old Lyme, LOL Schools; Voting for Democratic Slate Essential
Letter to the Editor: Candidates Endorsed by Old Lyme Democrats for Region 18 BOE Are Impartial, Consider All Sides, Bring a Wealth of Experience
To the Editor: As a former member for 11 years of the Salem Board of Education (BOE), I can attest to the importance of BOE members being impartial and willing to look at all sides in any discussion or debate. They must be prepared to ignore any ideological differences among their members and make a careful, thoughtful and considered decision after a full examination of the … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Candidates Endorsed by Old Lyme Democrats for Region 18 BOE Are Impartial, Consider All Sides, Bring a Wealth of Experience
Region 18 BOE ‘Meet the Candidates’ Event to be Held In-Person Tonight, Also Live-Streamed and Recorded
LYME-OLD LYME -- Lymes' Youth Service Bureau (LYSB) and the Lyme-Old Lyme Chamber of Commerce are hosting an in-person, Meet the Candidates for Board of Education event this evening, Wednesday, Oct. 20, starting at 7 p.m. at Lyme-Old Lyme Middle School. is proud to sponsor the event and all are welcome. The eight candidates running for the Old Lyme open seats … [Read more...] about Region 18 BOE ‘Meet the Candidates’ Event to be Held In-Person Tonight, Also Live-Streamed and Recorded
Letter to the Editor: Political, Personal Agendas and Extremist Rhetoric Have No Place at Board of Education Table
To the Editor: Parents and taxpayers of Old Lyme, please pay close attention to this year’s November municipal elections, particularly to the candidates for the Region 18 Board of Education. Old Lyme enjoys a school system that is broadly recognized for its quality across the region, the state, and indeed the nation. Based on my tenure of sixteen years as a former … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Political, Personal Agendas and Extremist Rhetoric Have No Place at Board of Education Table
Letter to the Editor: Lowry Explains His Reasons for Running for Region 18 BOE, Notes Democratic Slate Offers 90 Collective Years of Education Service
To the Editor: I am running for a seat on the Lyme-Old Lyme Region 18 Board of Education (BOE) because I believe that my experience and ability will enable me to make a strong contribution to the continued excellence of our well-regarded school system. Through my 22 years of experience as a professional educator, I have gained first-hand knowledge of the policies, … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Lowry Explains His Reasons for Running for Region 18 BOE, Notes Democratic Slate Offers 90 Collective Years of Education Service
Desperately Seeking Drivers: National Shortage of School Bus Drivers Impacting Lyme-Old Lyme Schools
LYME/OLD LYME -- Lyme-Old Lyme Schools Superintendent Ian Neviaser sent out an email Sept. 22, to the school community in which he stated, "There is a national shortage of bus drivers." He went on to urge, "... individuals who would like to drive for our [the company which runs the school buses for LOL Schools] bus company, M&J Bus, Inc.," to consider applying for a … [Read more...] about Desperately Seeking Drivers: National Shortage of School Bus Drivers Impacting Lyme-Old Lyme Schools
Letter to the Editor: Shoemaker Explains Decision to Run for Old Lyme’s ‘Top Job’ + BOE, Seeks Broad Support From Voters
To the Editor: An Open Letter to the Residents of Old Lyme: I am running for First Selectwoman of our town and I hope to earn the support of all our citizens whether they be Democrat, Republican, or Unaffiliated. Old Lyme residents deserve a leader who will listen to their concerns, create sound fiscal budgets, and bring consensus among diverse groups working toward the … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Shoemaker Explains Decision to Run for Old Lyme’s ‘Top Job’ + BOE, Seeks Broad Support From Voters
UPDATED: Lyme-Old Lyme Schools Announce Raucci as Teacher of the Year, Aldrich as Employee of the Year
LYME/OLD LYME -- UPDATED 9/7: Lyme-Old Lyme Schools Superintendent Ian Neviaser announced at the All-Faculty and -Staff Convocation held Aug. 25, that Andrew Raucci (pictured above), who is the Instructional Technology Specialist at Lyme-Old Lyme Middle and High Schools, had been selected as Teacher of the Year. Raucci has been with Lyme-Old Lyme Schools for eight years and … [Read more...] about UPDATED: Lyme-Old Lyme Schools Announce Raucci as Teacher of the Year, Aldrich as Employee of the Year
Lyme-Old Lyme Schools Enjoy ‘Excellent’ First Day
LYME/OLD LYME -- Students were back in school yesterday at Lyme-Old Lyme Schools and at the end of the day, Superintendent Ian Neviaser told LymeLine, "We had an excellent first day of school with lots of excitement and enjoyment as students were welcomed back into classrooms." He added, "It was a good start to what we expect will be a great year." Masks are still … [Read more...] about Lyme-Old Lyme Schools Enjoy ‘Excellent’ First Day
Lyme-Old Lyme Students Start School Today … With Masks
LYME-OLD LYME-- The students of Lyme-Old Lyme Schools will commence the 2021-22 academic year tomorrow, Aug. 26, with masks still mandated by the Governor's executive orders. In almost all other respects, however, and quoting from a recent email sent by Superintendent Ian Neviaser to the school community, the school experience will be, "... far closer to a normal school … [Read more...] about Lyme-Old Lyme Students Start School Today … With Masks
Old Lyme Children’s Learning Center Reopens, Appoints New Director; Some Spots Still Open for Fall
OLD LYME -- After all the challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Old Lyme Children’s Learning Center (OLCLC) Board of Directors is proud to announce that the Center at 57 Lyme Street has reopened permanently and also appointed Dana Gatchek as its new Director. Gatchek resides in East Lyme with her husband Bryon and children Tanner, Sydney and Owen. She has both a … [Read more...] about Old Lyme Children’s Learning Center Reopens, Appoints New Director; Some Spots Still Open for Fall
Lyme-Old Lyme Middle, High School Announce Q4 Honor Rolls
Lyme-Old Lyme High School Quarter 4 Honor Roll 2020-21 HIGH HONORS Grade 12: Paige Alpha, Kaylee Armenia, Sonia Bair, Olivia Bartlett, Maxwell Bauchmann, Ava Berry, Emma Boardman, Kyuss Buono, Keenan Burr, Kate Cheney, Hunter Collins, Megan Cravinho, George Danes, Emily DeRoehn, Corah Engdall, Isabella Flagge, Fiona Frederiks, Grace Lathrop, Gabriel Lavoie, Owen … [Read more...] about Lyme-Old Lyme Middle, High School Announce Q4 Honor Rolls