OLD LYME -- A ribbon-cutting to celebrate the official opening of Papi’s Taqueria was held Saturday morning, March 25. The new takeout Mexican restaurant was long awaited by local diners, who were happy to see its “Coming Soon” sign replaced by a “Now Open” sign in January. Kate Lanfair and Adrian “Papi” Vidals, pictured below, are the owners and talent behind the newest … [Read more...] about Old Lyme EDC Celebrates Official Opening of ‘Papi’s Taquiera’ With Cheerful Ribbon-Cutting
Lyme-Old Lyme HS Mock Trial Team Wins State Championship, a ‘Great Accomplishment’
'These young men and women are incredibly talented, well coached, and put in countless hours on weekends to prepare their arguments.' LOL Schools Superintendent Ian Neviaser LYME/OLD LYME -- On Thursday, the Lyme-Old Lyme (LOL) High School Mock Trial team won first place in the highly competitive State Championship. The team is coached by Sarah Hylas, who is assisted by … [Read more...] about Lyme-Old Lyme HS Mock Trial Team Wins State Championship, a ‘Great Accomplishment’
Lymes Creative Arts Invites Proposals for Summer 2023, Due April 3
LYME/OLD LYME -- UPDATED 3/19: Lymes Creative Arts is offering mini grants of up to $1000 plus materials to instructors providing hands-on arts opportunities to Lyme and Old Lyme teens this summer The organization is accepting Summer 2023 programming proposals that help teens consider hands-on artmaking as a way to enrich their lives and find fulfillment in artistic … [Read more...] about Lymes Creative Arts Invites Proposals for Summer 2023, Due April 3
State Pledges to Help Old Lyme Fund Possible $17M Sewer Shortfall
OLD LYME -- State officials trying to fix environmental problems that have plagued the town’s beach communities for more than a decade are now saying there could be $17 million in state and federal grants for the work. Graham Stevens, chief of water protection and land reuse for the state Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) said in a Monday phone … [Read more...] about State Pledges to Help Old Lyme Fund Possible $17M Sewer Shortfall
‘Solstice Stone’ Placed to Mark Old Lyme’s New Transit Hub, Holds 800 Million Years of Geological History
"Gorgeous Bedrock" Donated and Delivered by Jason Jacaruso, "a Very Generous and Civic-minded Gesture," 'Solstice Stone' envisioned as "Being Used as a Teaching Device" (Jim Lampos, Old Lyme's Community Connectivity Grant Committee member) OLD LYME -- What is it? Why is it there? Where is it pointing? Questions galore are being raised by people driving or walking along … [Read more...] about ‘Solstice Stone’ Placed to Mark Old Lyme’s New Transit Hub, Holds 800 Million Years of Geological History
‘Four Acts’ on View at Lyme Art Association Through April 27
OLD LYME -- The Lyme Art Association (LAA) welcomes guests to its historic galleries to view Four Acts, an exhibition showcasing the diversity of styles created by its talented member artists. Each juried show looks at the world through a different lens: Long & Lean, Abstracted, Off the Press and Stillness: A Still Life. The exhibition opens Friday, … [Read more...] about ‘Four Acts’ on View at Lyme Art Association Through April 27
Neighborhood Food Waste Pilot Program Launched in Old Lyme
OLD LYME -- Did you know that the average Old Lyme resident produces 891lbs of household waste a year, the equivalent of 2.5lbs of waste per person, per day and that studies indicate that up to 20 percent of that waste is compostable? Take a look at this link for more information. The Old Lyme Solid Waste and Recycling Committee (OLSW&RC) is studying food waste and … [Read more...] about Neighborhood Food Waste Pilot Program Launched in Old Lyme
Inaugural ‘Pop-up Clothes Closet’ Hailed a Success, ‘Impressive’ Effort
OLD LYME — The Pop-Up Closet held last Saturday, March 4, at the Rogers Lake Clubhouse was a major success in many ways. Lyme-Old Lyme High School (LOLHS) senior Maddie McCulloch organized the event as part of her LOLHS Senior Project, but it was really a much broader reflection of her ongoing commitment to environmental and sustainability efforts. McCulloch … [Read more...] about Inaugural ‘Pop-up Clothes Closet’ Hailed a Success, ‘Impressive’ Effort
Old Lyme Freshman Gilbert Takes 2nd in New England Two-Mile, Placing Her 14th Nationally
At Same Meet, Old Lyme 4 x 800 Girls Come In 4th, Sheehan Takes 11th Spot in Shotput LYME/OLD LYME -- On Saturday (March 4), the Lyme-Old Lyme Indoor Track and Field team achieved yet another remarkable set of results -- this time in the New England Indoor Championship meet held at the Reggie Lewis Center in Boston, Mass. Freshman Chase Gilbert came second in the girls' … [Read more...] about Old Lyme Freshman Gilbert Takes 2nd in New England Two-Mile, Placing Her 14th Nationally
Old Lyme Harbor Management Commission Opens Mooring Permit Applications for 2023 Season
OLD LYME -- The Old Lyme Harbor Management Commission is now accepting electronic Mooring Permit Applications for the 2023 boating season. Supporting information, including updates to the process for 2023, is available on the HMC webpage, located at this link. Previous permit holders will receive an email with a link to their records in the system. New applicants can access … [Read more...] about Old Lyme Harbor Management Commission Opens Mooring Permit Applications for 2023 Season
Florence Griswold Museum Hosts Coffee With New Director, Wednesdays in March & April; All Welcome
OLD LYME -- Every Wednesday in March and April from 10 to 11 a.m., the new Executive Director of the Florence Griswold Museum will host a coffee hour with the community. Joshua Campbell Torrance is eager to meet his new community, so he is opening his door and breaking out the coffee cups. It is not required, but if you would like to let Torrance know that you are … [Read more...] about Florence Griswold Museum Hosts Coffee With New Director, Wednesdays in March & April; All Welcome
Old Lyme HS Student Holds Free, Pop-Up Clothes Closet
OLD LYME -- A senior at Lyme-Old Lyme High School (LOLHS) is "doing her bit" for both the local community and the environment tomorrow. Maddie McCulloch is holding a free Pop-Up Closet tomorrow, Saturday, March 4, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Rogers Lake Clubhouse. All are welcome and there is no charge for admission. Although the target audience for the clothing is … [Read more...] about Old Lyme HS Student Holds Free, Pop-Up Clothes Closet
Death Announced of Dwight Bartholomew, Graveside Service to be Held at Family Cemetery in Old Lyme
PORT ANGELES, WA / OLD LYME, CT -- A boundless spirit, Dwight was frequently bursting with accordion music and song. He was a son of the rich who'd climbed off the corporate ladder to teach gradeschool. At 90, he died of congestive heart failure on February 8, 2023, in his home in Port Angeles, WA. He was born on March 8, 1932, at Sloane Hospital for Women, founded by his … [Read more...] about Death Announced of Dwight Bartholomew, Graveside Service to be Held at Family Cemetery in Old Lyme
Hamburg Fair Dates Announced
LYME -- The Hamburg Fair Committee has announced that this year's Hamburg Fair will take place Friday through Sunday, Aug. 18, 19 and 20. Much more information will follow but we wanted to share this news right away, so mark your calendars now for this always popular event! … [Read more...] about Hamburg Fair Dates Announced
Cleanup of Fuel Spill on Shore Rd. in Old Lyme Now Completed
OLD LYME -- On Thursday evening at around 7:50 p.m., the Old Lyme Fire Department (OLFD) was dispatched in response to a report of a gasoline spill at the Bestway Foodmart Convenience Store located at 281 Shore Rd. On arrival, OLFD members saw that a fuel tanker truck was in the process of making a delivery of diesel fuel at the convenience store. During the delivery, … [Read more...] about Cleanup of Fuel Spill on Shore Rd. in Old Lyme Now Completed