OLD LYME: A total of 3,535 Old Lyme electors cast their votes in yesterday’s municipal election. This total includes absentee ballots and people who both registered to vote yesterday and voted the same day.
The candidates who have been elected are in bold in the listing below.
A recount is predicted for the third seat on the Region 18 Board of Education between Alexander Lowry and Suzanne Thompson, since they were separated by only five votes.
Some key points from the unofficial results below:
In the Board of Selectmen race, Martha Shoemaker won the First Selectman spot at her second attempt. She ran previously for that position in 2021 and has been a Selectwoman on the board since then.
Jim Lampos was also running for a Selectman spot for the second time. He failed to gain one in 2021 but succeeded in 2023.
Jude Read secured the remaining Selectman spot on the board. She ran for First Selectman in 2017 but failed to gain a seat on the board of selectmen at that time.
The Town Treasurer contest saw incumbent Democrat Michael Reiter unseated from the position and replaced by the current Republican-endorsed Selectman Matt Ward.
Suzanne Thompson was elected Tax Collector, succeeding retiring (after 30 years!) incumbent Judy Tooker. Former Old Lyme First Selectwoman Bonnie Reemsnyder failed in her bid to take the position.
See this separate article on the Region 18 Board of Education results.
Unofficial Election Results in Old Lyme
First Selectman:
Martha Shoemaker (D): 1830
John Mesham(R): 1700
Jim Lampos (D): 1792
Judith Read (R): 1718
Town Treasurer:
Michael Reiter (D): 1702
Matthew Ward (U): 1781
Tax Collector:
Bonnie Reemsnyder (D): 1675
Suzanne Thompson (R): 1826
Board of Finance:
Bennett Bernblum (D): 1876
Anna Reiter (D): 1856
H. Perry Garvin III (R): 1798
Board of Finance Alternates:
Diane Linderman (D): 1827
Sheila Riffle (D): 1706
Candace Fuchs (D): 1846
Maria Corrao Marchant (R): 1691
Matthew F. Olson (R): 1751
Board of Assessment Appeals:
Peter Hunt (D): 1745
David W. Evers, Jr. (R): 1728
Planning Commission (Term Begins 2023):
Michael Aurelia (D): 1771
Barbara Gaudio (R): 1681
Planning Commission (Term Begins 2024):
Howard Margules (D): 1787
Donald Willis (R): 1667
Zoning Commission (Term Begins 2023):
Paul Orzel (U): 1815 (D) + 1568 (R)
Note: Orzel was cross-endorsed
Zoning Commission (Term Begins 2024):
Denise Savageau (D): 1725
Tammy Tinnerello (R):1697
Zoning Board of Appeals (Term Begins 2023):
Stephanie Mickle (D): 1777
Daniel Montano (R): 1641
Zoning Board of Appeals (Term Begins 2024):
Nancy Hutchinson (U)
Zoning Board of Appeals Alternates:
Kathleen Tracy (D): 1768
Michaelle Pearson (D): 1821
Brian Cole (U): 1812
Roderick Clingman (R): 1758
Peter Lucchese (R): 1574
Regional Board of Education:
Susan P. Fogliano (D): 1864
W. Scott Brown, Ph.D (D). 1772
Alexander Lowry (D) : 1727
Suzanne Thompson (R): 1722
Michael Presti (R): 1614
Steven Wilson (R): 1518
According to the Connecticut Secretary of State office the Town of Old Lyme has 6,422 registered voters. Of this Martha Shoemaker received 1,830 votes for the office of First Select-person or 28% of the total number of registered voters. Of the 3,535 registered voters who cast their votes, Martha Shoemaker received 1830 votes or 52% of the votes cast for the office of First Select-person.
While Martha Shoemaker won fair and square it was hardly a super mandate to govern. Compromise will be required to serve the greater good of the town residents.
What date to the newly elected take office?