It's Presidents’ Day on Monday—but which Presidents are we celebrating and why on this day? Well, it's complicated ... Is it 'Presidents' Day' or 'Washington’s Birthday'? Although the holiday is most often referred to as “Presidents’ Day," the observed federal holiday is officially called “Washington’s Birthday.” It is one of 11 permanent holidays established by … [Read more...] about A Quick Q & A on the (Complicated) History of Presidents’ Day
Old Lyme
Phoebe’s BookCellar Hosts ‘Fill-A-Bag’ Book Sale Today, 12-4pm
OLD LYME -- Phoebe's BookCellar hosts a 'Fill-A-Bag' Book Sale, Friday, Feb. 14, from 12 to 4 p.m. and Saturday, Feb. 15, from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Old Lyme-Phoebe Griffin Noyes (OL-PGN) on Library Lane. BookCellar volunteers have moved the bookstore's gently-used overstock books, DVDs and CDs to the OL-PGN Library's Community Room for the sale. Customers can buy … [Read more...] about Phoebe’s BookCellar Hosts ‘Fill-A-Bag’ Book Sale Today, 12-4pm
Musical Masterworks Presents Concerts Featuring Early Music Ensemble ‘Ruckus’, Today & Tomorrow
OLD LYME—Musical Masterworks presents its first concert weekend of the new year on Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 15 and 16 at the First Congregational Church of Old Lyme. The Saturday concert starts at 5 p.m. and Sunday's begins at 3 p.m. In this weekend’s concerts, Musical Masterworks will turn to early music inspirations with the celebrated early music ensemble, Ruckus. The … [Read more...] about Musical Masterworks Presents Concerts Featuring Early Music Ensemble ‘Ruckus’, Today & Tomorrow
Final Day of ‘Epic Book Sale’ at Lyme Academy Today, 9-5: Fill a Bag With Books for $10
OLD LYME—Lyme Academy is currently renovating its art library. The current inventory has been carefully sorted and thousands of extra volumes have been identified that need a home. From coffee-table size art books to books on nature, philosophy, history, and the classics, you’re sure to find something at this Big Blowout Book Sale. Fill a bag for $10 and load up your … [Read more...] about Final Day of ‘Epic Book Sale’ at Lyme Academy Today, 9-5: Fill a Bag With Books for $10
Statement from Old Lyme’s Halls Road Improvement Committee: “Setting the Record Straight on the Halls Road Overlay District (HROD)”
Editor's Note: The Halls Road Improvement Committee (HRIC) asked us to publish this open statement to the Old Lyme community on their behalf. It is the opinion of the HRIC. There has been a wave of posts on social media and elsewhere making claims that misrepresent the actual content of the HROD proposal and distort its possible impact on our community. The true facts will … [Read more...] about Statement from Old Lyme’s Halls Road Improvement Committee: “Setting the Record Straight on the Halls Road Overlay District (HROD)”
New London Currach Rowers Host Fundraising Irish Music Celebration, Feb. 22
On Saturday, Feb. 22, start the "Season" of Saint Patrick with a 'Celebration of Irish Music.' Starting at 3:30 p.m. at Filomena’s Restaurant in Waterford, two musical groups will alternate singing, playing, and chanty singing until 6:30 p.m. Popular local band Bards of Gungywamp will perform well-known Irish tunes on traditional instruments and the … [Read more...] about New London Currach Rowers Host Fundraising Irish Music Celebration, Feb. 22
Death Announced of John A. Russo, Jr., 91, of Old Lyme; Services to be Held Tuesday
OLD LYME—John A. Russo, Jr., 91, of Old Lyme, formerly of Newington, passed away on Saturday, February 8, 2025. He was the beloved husband of the late Barbara (Janssen) Russo ... John honorably served the country in the U.S. Army. John received a BS degree in Meteorology from City College NY and a Masters in Meteorology from University of AZ and an MBA degree in Business … [Read more...] about Death Announced of John A. Russo, Jr., 91, of Old Lyme; Services to be Held Tuesday
Old Lyme Currently #2 in ‘USA Today’s’ ‘Best Small Town Arts Scene’ Contest! Vote Daily Thru Monday to Move OL Back Into Top Spot
Readers Can Vote DAILY (Hopefully) For Old Lyme! Editor's Note 2/11: 'USA Today' has announced that the leaderboard is closed for the final days of voting, saying, "Otherwise, there wouldn't be any surprises once the winners are announced!" The paper states, "Come back on Wednesday, February 26th at 12:00pm EST to see the results!" Editor's Note 2/8: Old Lyme is currently … [Read more...] about Old Lyme Currently #2 in ‘USA Today’s’ ‘Best Small Town Arts Scene’ Contest! Vote Daily Thru Monday to Move OL Back Into Top Spot
Death Announced of Michellee K. Speirs of Old Lyme, Memorial Service Scheduled Monday in OL
OLD LYME—Michellee K. Speirs of Old Lyme, died Friday Feb. 7, 2025, after a courageous health battle ... She is survived by her beloved husband Peter B. Speirs; and son Alec D. Speirs. Also surviving are her brothers, Ronald Kopald and Seth Kopald (Kathryn) ... ; her sisters, Kim Griswold (Doug), Sandy Dubek (Bob) and Tori Kitchen (Rick) ... In addition, she leaves behind a … [Read more...] about Death Announced of Michellee K. Speirs of Old Lyme, Memorial Service Scheduled Monday in OL
Lyme-Old Lyme HS Students Brave Freezing Temperatures to Build Bench for OL Open Space Commission
OLD LYME—The Old Lyme Open Space Commission has been busy recently! On Jan. 26, some 10 members of the Lyme-Old Lyme High School (LOLHS) Environmental Club assembled a bench following the design of others already constructed on various Old Lyme Land Trust properties. Karen Taylor, who is a tutor at LOLHS, is the advisor for the Environmental Club. The students braved … [Read more...] about Lyme-Old Lyme HS Students Brave Freezing Temperatures to Build Bench for OL Open Space Commission
Protest Against Presidential Actions to be Held in Old Saybrook, Monday; All Welcome
OLD SAYBROOK—Groups of citizens across America are gathering on President’s Day (Monday, Feb. 17) to protest actions taken by President Trump and his unelected associate Elon Musk. The Old Saybrook Democratic Town Committee is organizing the protest for the local area, which will be held at noon on the Old Saybrook Town Green. All are welcome.The aim of the protest is to … [Read more...] about Protest Against Presidential Actions to be Held in Old Saybrook, Monday; All Welcome
Application Denied for Controversial Smith Neck Rd. House in 5-0 Vote at Monday’s Old Lyme Zoning Meeting
OLD LYME—UPDATED 1/11 at 12:10 pm: The 'Record of Votes' related to Monday night's meeting has now been published. Regarding the Special Permit Application toreplace and construct a new 5-bedroom residence with an attached 2 car garage at 43 Smith Neck Rd., RU-40 Zone, Jeffrey and Emily Merriam, applicants, the Record states, "A motion was made by D. Savageau, seconded by J. … [Read more...] about Application Denied for Controversial Smith Neck Rd. House in 5-0 Vote at Monday’s Old Lyme Zoning Meeting
Letter to the Editor: Zoning Abyss in Old Lyme Means “No Rules” for Many Properties
To the Editor: There are no rules in Old Lyme for lots of people’s property, in my professional view. The Zoning Commission needs a wholesale change from electors. I just sat in on a zoning meeting for a proposed 11,500 s.f house on Smith Neck Rd, quite large house, and the third, long, drawn out meeting for the same single property (it consumed the entire … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Zoning Abyss in Old Lyme Means “No Rules” for Many Properties
Logan Landry Advances Towards Eagle Scout Status with Bridge Construction in Old Lyme’s Bartholomew Open Space
LYME-OLD LYME—As part of his qualifications to gain the prestigious Eagle Scout honor, Logan Landry, a member of Lyme-Old Lyme Boy Scout Troop 26, designed a 25 ft. long bridge to be installed over a flooded—and hence closed—trail in Bartholomew Open Space in Old Lyme. On Feb. 1, Landry successfully coordinated construction of the bridge. He was assisted by several older … [Read more...] about Logan Landry Advances Towards Eagle Scout Status with Bridge Construction in Old Lyme’s Bartholomew Open Space
Old Lyme Girls Are Indoor Track Shoreline Conference Champions!
NEW HAVEN, CT—Competing at the Floyd Little Athletic Center on Friday, Feb. 7, in New Haven, CT, the Old Lyme girls team won the Indoor Track Shoreline Conference Championship. Haddam-Killingworth (H-K) came in second place and Cromwell third. Key Old Lyme results for 1st team All-Conference-Girls were as follows: The Old Lyme boys team finished fifth in their … [Read more...] about Old Lyme Girls Are Indoor Track Shoreline Conference Champions!