LYME/OLD LYME — The Opening Ceremony of the 2020 Olympic Games (not a typo, that’s what they are still being called!) has just ended and the Games themselves are now officially underway. Two athletes from Old Lyme were there at the Opening Ceremony and are now making final preparations to compete in the Games.
Austin Hack and Liam Corrigan, who graduated respectively in 2010 and 2015 from Lyme-Old Lyme High School (LOLHS), will both be rowing in the US Men’s Eight. Austin’s parents, Barbara and Greg, still live in Old Lyme and Brian Corrigan and Joan Rivington, Liam’s parents, moved last year from Old Lyme to Lyme.
In late-breaking news, Barbara Hack contacted us this morning to let us know there has been a change in the rowing schedule. The Men’s Eight was slated to start their quest for gold tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. EST but that has now been changed to today on EST.
Barbara said by email, “The schedule has been changed due to weather and the men’s 8+ will now be rowing TONIGHT in the heats.” She added that the new start time tonight is, ““High noon” (as Austin put it) in Tokyo,” which is 11 p.m. EST, since Japan is 13 hours ahead of EST.
Asked last night how she was feeling on the eve of the Olympics, Barbara responded, “I’m feeling so many things right now! Pride, of course, that Austin was chosen again to represent the US in the Olympics, [Austin was the stroke for the Men’s Eight in the 2016 Olympics held in Rio de Janeiro] and a little bit of nervousness knowing that their first race is right around the corner.”
She continued, “But mostly I’m excited! It’s such a fantastic group of guys with a unique chemistry together. They’ve put in the hard work under world-class coaches Mike Teti and Tim McLaren, and they have a lot of confidence in their speed.”
Concluding, “They are so ready to show the world what they can do, and I have every faith that they can accomplish their goal of a podium finish in the final!” Barbara ended with the wish we all share, “Go USA!!”