This Op-Ed was written by Lauren Ashe, Executive Director of HOPE Partnership. As many are aware, HOPE Partnership with Women's Institute for Housing and Economic Development, our development partner, is in the process of seeking the necessary approvals to develop new, affordable housing communities on Neck Road in Old Lyme. We are writing today to share the story of … [Read more...] about Op-Ed: HOPE Explains Background, Process to Their Affordable Housing Proposal in Old Lyme
Op-Ed: SECoast Questions Proposed HOPE Development in Old Lyme
Organization Stresses Support of Affordable Housing This Op-Ed was written by Gregory Stroud, Executive Director, SECoast No doubt by now, most of you have heard of the Hope Partnership housing development planned for 16 Neck Road. It’s a subdivided property tucked in beside the northbound I-95 exit 70 into Old Lyme, a wooded 12.5 acre lot with a steep entrance road, … [Read more...] about Op-Ed: SECoast Questions Proposed HOPE Development in Old Lyme
Op-Ed: High Hopes Suggests MLK Day is Appropriate Day to Think About Giving Back to Your Favorite Non-Profit, Hosts Volunteer Orientation 4-7 Today
With the arrival of Martin Luther King Day today, it is worth looking back on the question Martin Luther King Jr. asked of an audience in Montgomery, Ala., in 1957, when he said, "What is life’s most persistent and urgent question?" Consider that question right now and what your answer would be? How can we achieve world peace? Is global warming real? Which college … [Read more...] about Op-Ed: High Hopes Suggests MLK Day is Appropriate Day to Think About Giving Back to Your Favorite Non-Profit, Hosts Volunteer Orientation 4-7 Today
Op-Ed: Wayland, Lord Will Continue Tradition of Excellent Leadership in Lyme
By Tony Lynch I half-jokingly refer to Lyme as “Lynch’s last stand”. I’m a refugee from Greenwich, Southport and Glastonbury. All three of those towns were bucolic farming communities when generations of my family moved to them. All three are now densely populated suburbs, with attendant traffic, chain stores and restaurants. Most of us likely moved here because we … [Read more...] about Op-Ed: Wayland, Lord Will Continue Tradition of Excellent Leadership in Lyme
Op-Ed: Old Lyme Should Return to Local Health Department; Dramatic Increases in Ledge Light Fees Adversely Impacting Local Residents, Small Businesses
Editor's Note: The author, Dawn Root, is the owner of Old Lyme Seafood. Old Lyme joined Ledge Light Health District (LLHD) on Nov 1, 2016 after approval at a Town Meeting by a margin of only 3 votes (82-79). The time between the first public hearing (scheduled on Aug 29 during prime vacation season, with only 10 days’ notice) and the Town Meeting vote held on Sept 27 … [Read more...] about Op-Ed: Old Lyme Should Return to Local Health Department; Dramatic Increases in Ledge Light Fees Adversely Impacting Local Residents, Small Businesses
Op-Ed: Lyme Academy Offers Thanks for Community Support
As the first month of our new academic year draws to a close we would like to extend our deepest thanks to the businesses and non-profit organizations that once again extended a warm welcome to the students of Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts of the University of New Haven. We welcome nearly 140 students to campus this year with 45 living in our Southwick Townhouses, adjacent … [Read more...] about Op-Ed: Lyme Academy Offers Thanks for Community Support
Opinion: With Thanks to the Groups That Have Already Sent Comments About the High-Speed Train Route to the FRA … Now It’s Our Turn
We are fortunate here in Old Lyme that three different organizations made the decision to commit a vast amount of resources, primarily in terms of innumerable volunteer hours, to prepare pages and pages of well-researched comments on the Federal Rail Authority's (FRA) Tier 1 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). These comments prepared respectively by the Town of Old Lyme, … [Read more...] about Opinion: With Thanks to the Groups That Have Already Sent Comments About the High-Speed Train Route to the FRA … Now It’s Our Turn
Op-Ed: Old Lyme Urgently Needs New Historic Survey; Current One Dates Back to 70s Leaving Town Vulnerable to High-Speed Rail and Other State, Federal Projects
11/06 UPDATE: We note that an item on tomorrow's regular Historic District Commission agenda is "FRA Plan Update." The meeting is scheduled to start at 9 a.m. in the Old Lyme Town Hall. Editor's Note: The author of this op-ed, Gregory Stroud, is the Executive Director of SECoast, the non-profit dedicated to organizing and educating the public to protect the Southeastern … [Read more...] about Op-Ed: Old Lyme Urgently Needs New Historic Survey; Current One Dates Back to 70s Leaving Town Vulnerable to High-Speed Rail and Other State, Federal Projects
Op-Ed: Follow NEC Future’s Own Findings, Abandon Alternative #1, Statement from Old Lyme Selectwoman MaryJo Nosal to the FRA:
Today we welcome representatives from the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) at Lyme-Old Lyme High School, 4:30PM. The following is a statement I planned on reading if the meeting format had allowed for public comment: Congress established the Northeast Corridor Commission in 2008 and it was “chartered to facilitate collaborative planning … [Read more...] about Op-Ed: Follow NEC Future’s Own Findings, Abandon Alternative #1, Statement from Old Lyme Selectwoman MaryJo Nosal to the FRA:
Opinion: Let Your Presence Make a Difference (Since Your Voice Can’t be Heard) — Go to the FRA Meeting
Back in February of this year, we wrote an opinion piece titled, "The Menace in our Midst." about the proposed high speed rail route through Old Lyme, about which we as a community had just heard. Surprisingly, not a whole lot has changed since then with the exception that the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has finally decided to pay Old Lyme a call. That meeting is … [Read more...] about Opinion: Let Your Presence Make a Difference (Since Your Voice Can’t be Heard) — Go to the FRA Meeting
Op-Ed: Support Sound View’s Historic District Designation With its Numerous Benefits; Ignore Inaccuracies Being Circulated
COMMENTS ON THIS ARTICLE ARE NOW CLOSED: Sound View residents have been receiving letters from Heidi DiNino-Fields of Hartford Avenue urging them to register their opposition to the Sound View Historic District designation. These letters are filled with incorrect information, designed to confuse and frighten residents into opposition. Among the more blatant lies are that owners … [Read more...] about Op-Ed: Support Sound View’s Historic District Designation With its Numerous Benefits; Ignore Inaccuracies Being Circulated
Op-Ed: Malloy in the Middle
Last week, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders tried to force the Democratic National Convention into a shape more to his liking by demanding that Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, a supporter of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, be booted from a high-profile chairmanship. He failed, but the fact that he tried says something about both Malloy and the dangerous state of our politics … [Read more...] about Op-Ed: Malloy in the Middle
Op-Ed: Carney Says Proposed State Education Budget Cuts Will Seriously Impact Region 18
Does Governor Malloy have a problem with communities that succeed? This is a question we need to ask ourselves. Year after year, the schools of the 23rd District work diligently to provide quality education to our youth. Our teachers and administrators add to the success of our state by instilling the proper foundation to produce the industrial, business, and community leaders … [Read more...] about Op-Ed: Carney Says Proposed State Education Budget Cuts Will Seriously Impact Region 18
Op-Ed: Hains Park Boathouse Options Could Save Funds While Also Supporting Rowing Program Needs
As an engineer and rower, I frequently look at form and function and have provided several suggestions to the Hains Park Boathouse Improvement Committee (HPBIC). When developing a project, each feature should be considered for its benefit and its cost. The newest Boathouse plan for Hains Park in Old Lyme favors form over function, and is less sensitive to disruptions and … [Read more...] about Op-Ed: Hains Park Boathouse Options Could Save Funds While Also Supporting Rowing Program Needs
Op-Ed: Lyme P & Z Needs to Separate “Agricultural” Activities Associated with Farms from “Commercial” Activities
Editor's Note: Last week, Christopher Roosevelt of Lyme sent the letter below to the Lyme Planning & Zoning Commission on behalf of the Lyme Rural Protection Group. We are publishing it as an Op-Ed due its length. 'I thought I would reiterate my recommendations regarding separating farm/agricultural pursuits from “commercial” activities of wine tastings and wine … [Read more...] about Op-Ed: Lyme P & Z Needs to Separate “Agricultural” Activities Associated with Farms from “Commercial” Activities