OLD LYME -- On Tuesday, incumbent Old Lyme (OL) Selectwoman Martha Shoemaker (D) and fellow Democrat Jim Lampos were elected to the OL Board of Selectmen taking back control of the board after four years of Republican leadership. The third member of the BOS will be Jude Read , who garnered more votes than her campaign partner John Mesham. Absentee ballots were significant in … [Read more...] about Democrats Take Control of Old Lyme BOS, Shoemaker to Become First Selectwoman; Lampos (D), Read (R) Join Board as Selectmen
Democrat Lodge Wins Contested BOE Seat in Lyme Ousting Incumbent Powell-St. Louis
LYME, CT. -- Newcomer Gavin Lodge (D) defeated Republican incumbent Mary Powell-St. Louis by 586 to 347 votes. None of the other seats in Lyme was contested. The Lyme Democratic Town Committee issued the following statement after the results had been announced: "Upon learning the results of today’s municipal election, Lyme Democratic Town Committee (DTC) Chairman John … [Read more...] about Democrat Lodge Wins Contested BOE Seat in Lyme Ousting Incumbent Powell-St. Louis
Letter to the Editor: Region 18 BOE Lyme Incumbent Powell-St. Louis ‘Not in Step With’ National Republicans, But Her Actions Suggest Otherwise
To the Editor: This letter is in response to Amanda Novak's Letter to the Editor published Nov. 5 on LymeLine under the title, "Re-elect Powell-St. Louis to Region 18 BOE, Her ‘Passion and Track Record’ Make Her ‘Outstanding Choice’ for Lyme." While she is a doctor, Mary Powell-St. Louis has not endorsed women’s rights to control their own healthcare, including access to … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Region 18 BOE Lyme Incumbent Powell-St. Louis ‘Not in Step With’ National Republicans, But Her Actions Suggest Otherwise
Letter to the Editor: Thompson Explains Why Voters Should Support her Bid to be Old Lyme Tax Collector
To the Editor: I am running as Tax Collector for the Town of Old Lyme. As your Tax Collector, I will continue to uphold this Town’s admirable collection rate – 99 percent, one of the highest in the state – while updating our systems to make it more convenient for you to pay your taxes. Currently as Assistant Tax Collector, I have improved our Online Payment Center … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Thompson Explains Why Voters Should Support her Bid to be Old Lyme Tax Collector
Letter to the Editor: Vote Powell-St. Louis for Region 18 BOE, Lyme Residents ‘Deserve a Contest of Ideas, not a Barrage of Deception’
To the Editor: I am writing as a progressive Democrat to encourage all others to reelect Republican Mary Powell-St. Louis to the Region 18 School Board. Despite my readiness to argue politics, I assume that all people, regardless of political persuasion, want what is best for their children—and for other people’s children. I have no doubt that Gavin Lodge does so. Indeed, … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Vote Powell-St. Louis for Region 18 BOE, Lyme Residents ‘Deserve a Contest of Ideas, not a Barrage of Deception’
Letter to the Editor: Elections are the Will of the People
To the Editor: The Chair of the Old Lyme Democratic Town Committee [OLDTC] would have us believe there is an “unhealthy imbalance” in Old Lyme government because they have a minority of seats on boards and commissions. This is an entirely warped view of the electoral process. Elections are the will of the People, and the People have spoken loudly by choosing the best … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Elections are the Will of the People
Letter to the Editor: Stakes High in This Election, Vote Lowry, Fogliano, Brown for Region 18 BOE; They Have Skills, Experience Not in Existence on Current Board
To the Editor: Often, in local elections, our choices can feel minor, like they won't amount to much. In this election, however, the stakes are high, and our choices matter. We need candidates who have the courage to do the right thing, and represent all the people in Old Lyme -- not just a loud minority. Because of these heightened stakes, I’m excited to vote for … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Stakes High in This Election, Vote Lowry, Fogliano, Brown for Region 18 BOE; They Have Skills, Experience Not in Existence on Current Board
Letter to the Editor: Old Lyme First Selectman Endorses Matt Ward for Town Treasurer
To the Editor: Matt Ward is on our Board of Selectmen and he is also one of our part-time Police officers. In addition, he is very active in the Town’s Little League program. Matt has recently accepted a position with a local accounting firm, so he will not seek reelection to the Board of Selectmen. However, he is seeking to be elected as our Town Treasurer on November … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Old Lyme First Selectman Endorses Matt Ward for Town Treasurer
Letter to the Editor: National Republican Party is ‘Elephant in the Room,’ Has ‘Infected Local Party;’ Need to Vote Democrat
To the Editor: Old Lyme will have a municipal election on November 7 and there's an elephant in the room. It is the Republican Party. For years that party has conducted a well-organized, effective, national campaign to undo the progress our country has made over the decades in recognizing and protecting each citizen's rights to equality, autonomy and freedom of … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: National Republican Party is ‘Elephant in the Room,’ Has ‘Infected Local Party;’ Need to Vote Democrat
Lyme’s Municipal Election Draws Attention This Year for Surprising Reason
LYME -- With the upcoming Lyme town elections, residents are tuned in for an unusual reason: lack of contest. This year’s town elections for the Board of Selectpeople will be unopposed, with First Selectperson David Lahm running uncontested for the position. This is not the first time in Lyme’s recent history that this has been the case. According to Steve Mattson, … [Read more...] about Lyme’s Municipal Election Draws Attention This Year for Surprising Reason
A View from My Porch: Children’s Literature for the intrepid — Let Freedom Read!
The American Library Association (ALA) has proclaimed “Let Freedom Read!” as the theme for this this year’s “Banned Books Week,” which just ended this past Friday (Oct. 7.) This “View” is written to acknowledge the rationale for such a week, and reflect on why it is especially pertinent in 2023 Old Lyme. Stepping back, I said at the end of “Surfing with Gen. Alpha,” which I … [Read more...] about A View from My Porch: Children’s Literature for the intrepid — Let Freedom Read!
Letter to the Editor: Vote for Republican Incumbents on Old Lyme Board of Finance to Maintain Sound Fiscal Stewardship
To the Editor: I am writing this letter to inform the voters of Old Lyme just how capable our Board of Finance Members are. I have been a member of the Board of Finance for almost 20 years and it’s Chair for 16 of those years. I do so to ask you to vote for the Republican incumbents running for our Board of Finance this year. Here is the why in this ask: This … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Vote for Republican Incumbents on Old Lyme Board of Finance to Maintain Sound Fiscal Stewardship
Old Lyme Registrars’ Lottery Determines Order of Candidate Names on November Ballot
OLD LYME -- On Wednesday, Sept. 6, the Old Lyme (OL) Registrars of Voters held a lottery to determine the order of names within each of the parties for a number of offices. The order of the parties themselves is determined by state statute and in Connecticut reflects which party holds the Governor's seat. The lottery was held in the Town Clerk’s Office at the Old … [Read more...] about Old Lyme Registrars’ Lottery Determines Order of Candidate Names on November Ballot
Old Lyme Democrats Open Campaign Headquarters
OLD LYME -- The Old Lyme Democratic Town Committee’s headquarters will open Friday, Sept. 8. It is located at 151-B Boston Post Rd. behind Morrissey Cycle. Community members are welcome to stop in for coffee, meet Selectwoman Martha Shoemaker and Jim Lampos, who are respectively the Democrat-endorsed candidates for Old Lyme First Selectwoman and Selectman, and other … [Read more...] about Old Lyme Democrats Open Campaign Headquarters
Old Lyme Republicans Open Campaign Headquarters on Halls Rd.
OLD LYME -- The Old Lyme (OL) Republican Town Committee has opened its 2023 campaign headquarters in the Old Lyme Shopping Center at 19 Halls Rd. in Old Lyme. From Aug. 29 through Election Day, OL First Selectman candidate John Mesham and OL Selectman candidate Judith “Jude” Read will hold regular office hours at the site every Tuesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The … [Read more...] about Old Lyme Republicans Open Campaign Headquarters on Halls Rd.