LYME-OLD LYME-–On Sunday, Jan. 12, the Lyme-Old Lyme Boy Scout Troop 26 is again holding a seasonal fundraiser.
For a minimum donation of $10, you can have your Christmas tree picked up, taken away, and fed to some very hungry goats this winter.
To ensure your tree is included in the collection, text or call 860-322-2149 with your name, address and preferred pick-up date. Trees will be picked up on two Sundays in January: Jan. 5 and 12.
Donations will be accepted in cash or check.
Reader’s support of the local Boy Scouts is appreciated.
The funds raised not only assist Scouts to go on trips but also help keep Scouting affordable for any interested youth.
Visit this link for information on Lyme-Old Lyme Boy Scout Troop 26.
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