OLD SAYBROOK/OLD LYME/LYME—Democrat Jane Wisialowski issued a statement tonight conceding victory in the 23rd District to five-term incumbent State Rep. Devin Carney (R). The 23rd District includes both Lyme and Old Lyme.
Her statement read, in full, as follows:
Jane Wisialowski, first time Democratic state representative candidate, narrowly lost to incumbent Republican, Devin Carney.
“Obviously we are disappointed with the outcome but, with your help, we ran a race we can be proud of. We came closer than any other candidate has to defeat a five-time incumbent. We knew it would be an uphill battle, but I believe we sent an important message to my opponent – the people of the district are watching how you vote and you need to better represent our values,” Jane said tonight addressing a crowd of enthusiastic supporters.
After decades working in her corporate career, Jane became an advocate for people struggling with healthcare and financial hardships. She’s lived, worked, and raised her family in Old Saybrook for 25 years. She has also spent countless hours volunteering in the schools and serving her community in elected positions at the Old Saybrook Parks and Recreation Commission and Board of Education.
In May, her campaign for State Representative qualified for public financing within a week and secured the endorsement of more than a dozen labor and issue oriented organizations. Jane and her team knocked more than 5,600 doors throughout the district and rallied countless volunteers.
“Old Saybrook had an outstanding Democratic candidate in Jane,” said Old Saybrook Selectman Matt Pugliese. “Those who voted for her saw how well she represented their values and appreciated that she was focused on giving those values a platform in Hartford. We hope that Representative Carney will recognize Jane’s strong show of support and the importance of these issues for the residents in the district he represents.”
Kim Thompson, Chair of the Old Lyme Democratic Town Committee remarked, “Jane worked really hard. She relentlessly knocked doors on both sides of the river and truly got to know the people and the issues of Old Lyme and Lyme. We were exceptionally proud to support her.”
Sadly, after she visited our home it was clear, Jane Wisialowski is detached from what is important to working families. INFLATION AND THE COST OF LIVING! In particular the outrageous cost of electricity in Connecticut because 30% of our bill is spent paying for new solar panel installations for the wealthy (they are the only ones who own their homes and can afford solar) AND subsidizing people who’ve learned they don’t have to pay their electric bill because if they say they can’t afford it the state will pay it for them with our money. (there is NO vetting to verify the applicant cannot afford to pay)
At our home all she wanted to talk about was ‘women’s rights’. & government funded abortions for all. Not a top priority for our traditional working family. Another far left liberal suffering from Moral Superiority Complex.
In Ms Wisialowsk’s view, as hard working, tax paying, law abiding, child loving, citizens, maybe we don’t belong in Connecticut? Or we are just here to fund her radical ideas?
This is a personal general community service suggestion rather than a comment on the recent political election, if I may. Both my wife and I each separately came from out of State decades ago, and like living in our small CT house with no solar. One severe winter years ago when the elec service was out for a few days, we had to use our elec generator for electrical home needs. and wants. Very surprisingly the cost of gas for the generator used during 2-1/2 days was as much as our average monthly elec bill. .From then on we have had a lot more respect and appreciation for then CL&P, and now Eversource. Also I still consider the cost of the generator and electrical upgrade to be well worth it—like a necessary insurance policy, and would encourage every home owner who does not have a generator backup to reevaluate this matter.