OLD SAYBROOK/OLD LYME/LYME/WESTBROOK—On Wednesday, May 15, delegates representing the 23rd House District towns of Lyme, Old Lyme, Old Saybrook and part of Westbrook nominated Jane Wisialowski as the Democratic candidate for their State Representative.
A resident of Old Saybrook (OS) for 25 years, Wisialowski is a member of the OS Board of Education and an OS Parks & Recreation Commissioner. In addition to holding these elected positions, Wisialowski works as a professional conservator and fiduciary appointed by Connecticut probate judges to help individuals manage their financial and personal affairs.
She also currently serves as vice chair of the Old Saybrook Democratic Town Committee (DTC).
In selecting her as the Democratic candidate for the Connecticut House of Representatives, District 23 delegates and area Democrats have praised Wisialowski for her long history of leadership and community service, and her commendable background in business development and care for families and individuals facing hardships.
“We are thrilled to put forward such a strong candidate to represent our district in Hartford,” said Old Lyme DTC Chair Kim Thompson.
She continued, “Jane has represented Democrats in important leadership positions in Old Saybrook and has a proven ability to connect with local voters. Her expansive professional network and sensitivity to issues facing seniors, women and families make her an excellent candidate for State Representative. We look forward to an exciting campaign season.”
In announcing her plans to run for State Representative, Wisialowski said, “I have learned through my work the hardships that many seniors face and the positive role that government can play in easing their burdens. I have learned through my own personal struggle to conceive the importance of IVF and a woman’s right to reproductive health care.”
She added, “I believe it is up to each of us to make our district the most thriving, equitable place it can be – one whose natural beauty is protected; where children can grow up with access to all the best books and without fear of gun violence; where seniors can live out their lives in dignity in homes they can afford; and where women can always have access to the health care they want and need.”
Wisialowski will run against five-term Republican incumbent Devin Carney in the November 2024 election.
She lives in Old Saybrook with her husband Todd and their two sons.
Editor’s Note: This article is based on a press release issued by the Old Saybrook Democratic Town Committee.