To Our Readers:
I wanted to update you on what has been happening to LymeLine for the past few days.
The site experienced a major catastrophe earlier this week and ultimately, it turned out the only way to recover was to build a new site. As many of you will know, this normally takes weeks and often months but my remarkable IT Director (aka my husband) has worked round the clock to create a functioning site. Huge thanks to him.
It is, however, still very much a work in progress but it is, at least, here and working. We will continue to improve its design and increase the content on a daily basis. I felt we could not wait until the site was perfect since the election and school building referendum are just around the corner.
We will add back all the categories in due course and also the Community Calendar. The site was thankfully backed-up effectively but we have lost a handful of the most recent articles, which included a Letter to the Editor about the School Building Referendum. I have re-created most of the articles already and re-published the letter. We will be contacting readers, who had previously commented on the letter, inviting them to resubmit their comments as we are unable to do that on their behalf.
Due to these unexpected issues, we are going to postpone publication of the election candidate bios and their responses to our questions until next Wednesday, Nov. 2.
Thank you to all the kind readers, who contacted us to see if things were OK. I appreciate all the messages, especially the one from someone, who hoped we had not ceased publication, and said simply, “I would really miss LymeLine.”
Please bear with us as we work through this and hopefully end up with a both improved and also mobile-responsive site. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Olwen Logan
Kudos to Nigel and you for your hard work and caring for your readers. We all missed you
Thank you Olwen and Nigel for working tirelessly to restore the community news resource that so many of us follow closely.