LYME/OLD LYME — We look forward to receiving your Letters to the Editor regarding the upcoming election and so thought it would be helpful to republish our policy regarding Letters.
Letters must not exceed our 450-word limit.
Letter writers must supply their name, home town, and telephone number for verification purposes. They also should note any political memberships/affiliations.
We will publish a maximum of one letter every two weeks from each individual letter-writer.
We will publish letters and op-ed’s related to the Nov. 3 election through midnight Saturday, Oct. 31. The only letters which will be published Sunday, Nov. 1 and Monday, Nov. 2, will be those directly related to letters previously published.
No letters related to the election will be published Nov. 3.
Human rights attorney Dave Rubino is challenging Devin Carney for the House of Representatives seat in the 23rd District. Dave’s position on many social issues differs markedly from Devin’s. As indicated on Dave’s campaign website, he supports: (1) criminal justice reform; (2) a strong social safety net; (3) adequate paid family and medical leave; and (4) a reasonable living wage.
On the other hand, Devin voted AGAINST the following bills in the Connecticut General Assembly:
2020–HB 6004, An Act Concerning Police Accountability;
2019–SB 380, An Act Concerning the Use of Force and Pursuits by Police and Increasing Police Accountability and Transparency;
2019—SB 1, An Act Concerning Paid Family and Medical Leave;
2019—HB 5004, An Act increasing the Minimum Fair Wage; and
2018—HB 5460, An Act Concerning Minimum Employee Wages for Providers of State-Administered Services for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities.
Please consider carefully which candidate’s positions more align with your own when you vote on November 3.
Betsy Groth
Old Lyme