OLD LYME/LYME — Old Lyme First Selectman Timothy Griswold confirmed to LymeLine by text message Monday, June 29, that another new case of COVID-19 has been reported in Old Lyme. This additional confirmed case is a 48-year-old female.
There are now 21 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Old Lyme plus two fatalities. Eight of these surviving cases are male and the remaining 13 are female. The two fatalities were a 61-year-old female and an 83-year-old male.
To demonstrate the growth in confirmed COVID-19 cases in Old Lyme, the table below is a summary of the cases that LymeLine.com has reported since March 31 when the first case was announced and also includes both fatalities.
[table id=3 /]
Details of all Old Lyme’s confirmed cases to date are now as follows:
- Female, age 64
- Female, age 21
- Male, age 27
- Female, age 53
- Female, age 61
- Female, age 29
- Male, age 40
- Male, age 53
- Female, age 60
- Male, age 48
- Female, age 85
- Female, age 95
- Female, age 20
- Female, age 43
- Female, age 48
- Male, age 70
- Male, age 67
- Female, age 68
- Male, age 73
- Male, age 21
- Female, age 48
Griswold has previously noted that the 21-year-old female with a confirmed case was tested in Florida, but used an Old Lyme address although she does not live here. Because she gave the Old Lyme address, Griswold said that Ledge Light Health District must report her as an Old Lyme resident.
Lyme’s first and only confirmed case is a 34-year-old male.