How would you like a faster ride on Metro-North? Who wouldn’t?! How about a 30-minute ride from Hartford to New Haven, from New Haven to Stamford or from Stamford to Grand Central?
That’s the vision announced by Governor Lamont in his inaugural address. It’s known as the 30-30-30 plan and sounds good compared to current running times (52 minutes, 55 minutes and 48 minutes respectively.) But how can such vast improvements be done? Ask Joe McGee, VP of the Fairfield Business Council, who’s been pitching this idea for years.
So confident was McGee of this concept that his Council recently paid $400,000 to Ty Lin Consulting of San Francisco to study it. And which railroad expert did Ty Lin hire to spearhead the study? Joseph Giulietti, former President of Metro-North … recently named as Connecticut’s new Commissioner of Transportation.
Though the Ty Lin study has yet to be released, McGee admits that the 30-30-30 idea is more of a goal than a possibility. Yet, for as little as $75 to $95 million, Ty Lin thinks significant improvements can be made in speeding up service by accelerating Metro-North’s return to a “state of good repair.”
When he was President of Metro-North, Giulietti said it would take five years to get the railroad back in shape after years of neglect. Today, Metro-North says a more realistic time frame is 10 years.
By fixing rail ties and overhead power lines to improve speeds on curves, by restoring the fourth track east of Milford and by adding express trains (at a premium fare), McGee claims service will improve quickly, maybe shaving 24 minutes off of the current 103 minute running time from New Haven to Grand Central. That would make it a 79-minute run, but not 60.
But wait. If this was Giulietti’s idea as a consultant, why didn’t he make that happen when he was running Metro-North? Or how will he now, as Commissioner of the CDOT, get his old railroad to adopt Ty Lin’s (his) ideas? I asked, but he isn’t saying.
What seasoned professionals at CDOT have told me is that the Ty Lin ideas will cost billions of dollars and take a decade. In other words … there’s no quick, cheap fix.
Meantime, Metro-North is planning to add six to 10 minutes of running time to all New Haven line trains for the spring timetable to better reflect the reality of current delays due to work. For 2018, the railroad had only 88 percent on time performance (OTP). By extending the train schedule on paper, OTP will go up and riders will have a more dependable, albeit slower, ride.
Lengthening running times, even on paper, “is not acceptable,” says McGee who hopes to release his Ty Lin study in about two weeks, fully expecting huge pushback from the railroad and east-coast consultants beholden to the MTA.
But it’s really the FRA (the Federal Railroad Administration) that’s the biggest block to faster trains. The slower speeds they required after the 2013 Bridgeport and Spuyten Duyvil derailments won’t be raised until they’re convinced the railroad is safe.
So let the debate begin: is 30-30-30 possible or just a fantasy? Did Giulietti create himself a nightmare in proposing as a consultant what he may not be able to deliver as CDOT Commissioner?
Posted with permission of Hearst CT Media

About the author: Jim Cameron is founder of The Commuter Action Group, and a member of the Darien RTM. The opinions expressed in this column are only his own. You can reach him at [email protected]
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