Members of the Lyme-Old Lyme High School (LOLHS) band and chorus performed yesterday on the pier adjacent to the USS Missouri in Waikiki, Hawaii, as part of the 75th anniversary commemoration of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Meanwhile, here in Old Lyme, around 150 people gathered in the auditorium of the high school late yesterday afternoon to watch the band and chorus perform as part of a 1,200-strong contingent of musicians and singers from schools across the country.
Lyme-Old Lyme High School was the only school from Connecticut represented at the event.
News Channel 3’s Kevin Hogan, whose son attends LOLHS and is out in Hawaii, did a live segment from the auditorium during which he interviewed a member of the Friends of Music Inc. organization that has been fundraising all year to make the trip possible.
View the News Channel 3 segment at this link.
News Channel 8 ran this piece from Lyme-Old Lyme High School about the trip to Hawaii.
Fox 61 also broadcast a story about the LOLHS students in Hawaii at this link.