BREAKING NEWS: We just learned that Lyme-Old Lyme High School (LOLHS) will be streaming the concert in which the school’s band and chorus will be performing in Hawaii live in the high school auditorium today 5 p.m. The public is welcome to come to the high school to watch the concert.
Today, Wednesday, Dec. 7, members of the Lyme-Old Lyme High School Band and Chorus will assemble on the pier of the USS Missouri in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, along with student musicians from across the country and Japan, for the 75th Anniversary Pearl Harbor Mass Band Performance, one of many events scheduled this week in observance of the anniversary. The concert will be a remembrance of and a tribute to lives lost on Dec. 7, 1941 and the ensuing war, and an inspiring “gift of music” to the world.
Student musicians from Lyme-Old Lyme High School, along with Choral Director Kristine Pekar and Band Director Jacob Wilson, have been preparing for this trip for the past year. There are 100 students on the trip, along with Pekar and Wilson, LOLHS principal James Wygonik, and teacher and parent chaperones.Follow them on Facebook (@LOLHSPearlHarborTrip and @FriendsofMusicLymeOldLyme) or visit http://www.friendsofmusiclol.
The 75th Pearl Harbor Mass Band concert will be streamed live at 5 p.m. Eastern time on Wednesday, Dec. 7, at http://www.channel808.tv/2016/