In Saturday’s Class S championship game, Lyme-Old Lyme High School senior Caleigh O’Neil kicked the ball in the back of Old Saybrook’s net with 37 minutes left on the clock.

Old Saybrook failed to equalize before the final whistle and so Old Lyme brings home the state trophy, which they also won last year — but as co-winners with Fairfield Notre Dame.

This year, Paul Gleason and his amazing band of soccer players have it all to themselves and can place it alongside the Shoreline Championship trophy that they won a few weeks ago.

Congratulations, Wildcats on this awesome victory!
Congratulations girls, Coach Gleason, coaching and athletic staff, and to all of your families on your hard earned championship! Even more, you modeled teamanship and support of each other all season.
Way to go!
Mary Jo Nosal
Congratulations girls’ soccer and their coaches.
So happy for you all.
Karen Butler