Members of the Lyme-Old Lyme High School (LOLHS) Band and Chorus will present a “Mahalo” Concert on Veterans Day to honor our veterans and thank the Lyme and Old Lyme community for their support of the music department trip to Pearl Harbor in December. (“Mahalo” is the Hawaiian word for “thank you.”) This free concert will take place in the high school auditorium on Friday, Nov. 11, at 7:30 p.m., and is open to the public.
On Dec. 7, these LOLHS students will perform alongside school groups from across the country and Japan on the pier of the USS Missouri, docked at Pearl Harbor, in commemoration ceremonies that mark the 75th anniversary of the bombing that launched US involvement in World War II. Lyme-Old Lyme High School is proud to be the only school from Connecticut — and one of just two from New England — to be participating in this historic event.
The LOLHS chorus and band have been preparing for this performance all year, and Friends of Music-Lyme/Old Lyme (a support group of parents and teachers) has worked to raise funds to help defray the costs associated with trip, with events like the “Big Kahuna” tag sale, the “Hawaii Five.0 5K,” and the sale of grocery store cards, as well as through direct appeals.
The “Mahalo” Concert is the school group’s thank-you to the many businesses, organizations, and individuals who responded to those appeals and provided support in a variety of ways. It is also an opportunity to honor our veterans, and remember those who gave their lives at Pearl Harbor. The program for the concert will include some of the music that the students will perform in Hawaii, along with patriotic favorites.
Friends of Music–Lyme/Old Lyme is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization of parents, teachers, and community members whose mission is to support the music programs throughout the Lyme-Old Lyme Schools, Connecticut’s Regional District 18, at all levels. Donations are appreciated. Visit www.friendsofmusiclol.org to learn more.
Lyme–Old Lyme High School, a fully accessible facility, is located at 69 Lyme Street, Old Lyme. The “Mahalo” Concert, Nov. 11, at 7:30 pm, is free and open to everyone.