Both political parties will be holding primaries in Old Lyme and only the Republicans in Lyme next Tuesday, Aug. 12.
Voting will take place at the Cross Lane and Hamburg Firehouses respectively from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.
One of the Republican Primaries sees Vicki Lanier of Old Lyme face off against Devin Carney for the right to meet Democratic candidate Mary Stone in the November election. Marilyn Giuliano, who has endorsed Carney, is retiring from her 23rd District State Representative seat at the end of the year.
We have already received numerous letters of endorsement for both candidates and will be publishing a variety of them during the coming week.
The Lyme-Old Lyme Chamber of Commerce attempted to organize a debate moderated by LymeLine publisher Olwen Logan between Republicans Lanier and Carney and Democrats Betsy Ritter and Bill Satti. We believe that neither Carney nor Ritter accepted the invitation and so the debate was cancelled. Consequently, LymeLine has invited both Republican candidates to submit a short biography and give written responses to three identical questions. We plan to publish those responses next Sunday, Aug. 10.
A debate between Ritter and Satti, sponsored by the League of Women Voters (LWV) of Southeastern Connecticut and the Waterford Public Library, was held Tuesday evening at Waterford Public Library. The debate was videotaped and will be aired on SEC-TV and other public access stations.
Only registered Republicans can vote in the Republican Primaries and registered Democrats in the Democratic Primary. Absentee ballots are available in the Town Clerk’s offices.
The candidates in Lyme are:
Governor (R): Thomas C. Foley or John P. McKinney
Lt. Governor (R): Penny Bacchiochi or Heather Somers or David M. Walker
State Assembly 23rd District (R): Devin R. Carney or Vicki lanier
Comptroller (R): Sharon McLaughlin or Angel Cadena
The candidates in Old Lyme are:
Governor (R): Thomas C. Foley or John P. McKinney
Lt. Governor (R): Penny Bacchiochi or Heather Somers or David M. Walker
State Senate 20th District (D): Elizabeth B. Ritter or William L. Satti
State Assembly 23rd District (R): Devin R. Carney or Vicki lanier
Comptroller (R): Sharon McLaughlin or Angel Cadena
The results will be published on LymeLine within minutes of their announcement.