To the Editor:
Lymes’ Youth Service Bureau (LYSB) wishes to thank the Old Lyme Police Department for organizing the recent Holiday Food Drive. Led by Officer Tom Heinssen, the Old Lyme Police officers donated their time to hold the food drive on three dates at the Old Lyme Marketplace to “stuff the cruiser” with holiday food for needy families in our community.
The response from our community has been truly amazing. During the past week food was distributed through the LYSB to 62 families in Lyme and Old Lyme which includes 96 children and 64 adults of all ages. Food was also delivered to the Lymes’ Senior Center and the Old Lyme Social Services to fill their food closets.
We are truly grateful to our police officers for their commitment to our community, and also to our citizens who are so generous during the holidays and throughout the year.
On behalf of the LYSB staff and board, I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving.
Mary Seidner
Old Lyme
Editor’s Note: The writer is the Executive Director of the LYSB.
Once again the summer season has started. The OLPD can be seen shooting radar and the beach patrol is out in full force looking for open containers. Let the fun begin.