To the Editor :
I am running for re-election as an Alternate on the Old Lyme Board of Finance. In the course of preparing for the November 5 election, I have gotten to know the other Democratic Party candidates. They are all well-qualified, effective leaders who are seeking office for the right reasons. I urge you to vote for them.
In particular, please examine the credentials of the Board of Education candidates. These individuals are not merely smart and enthusiastic; each of them has particular experience and expertise that will enable him or her to make an extraordinary contribution to the Board.
Sarah Smalley is a passionate professional educator. As a former teacher and current Special Education Coordinator for neighboring Region 17, Sarah is intimately familiar with the challenges facing our schools and with many creative, cost-effective ways to address them. Nancy Lucas Edson is a psychotherapist whose specialties include school-based clinical social work and family therapy. She is, therefore, especially familiar with the needs of school-aged children. Jean Wilczynski has spent countless hours over many years getting to know our school system, both as an involved mother of three graduates and as a dedicated volunteer on a number of committees and programs. This experience, combined with careers in the Coast Guard and in business, will ensure Jean’s sound analysis and wise decision-making. Diane Linderman is an analytical scientist and a teacher who has volunteered extensively in our community and our schools. She will be an ideal member of the Board. Finally, Rick Goulding’s qualifications are similarly impressive. He is a physician, teacher and coach, and has been cross-endorsed by the Republican Party.
Public education nationally is going through a period of serious soul-searching and change. Our Lyme-Old Lyme school system has served us well in the past but it must evolve and adapt if our children are to continue to receive the best education. To guide this process, the Board of Education needs well-informed, dedicated, practical, cost-conscious members. It needs this team. If you agree, you must vote on November 5.
Bennett (“BJ”) Bernblum,
Old Lyme.