Region 18 Athletic Director Rob Roach is retiring in June after 38 years in Lyme-Old Lyme Public Schools as both a Social Studies teacher and Athletic Director. He leaves the small school as one with a strong and well-respected athletic heritage, one that really starts with Roach himself when he scored the game-winning goal for the boy’s soccer team in 1966 that brought Old Lyme its first state championship.
Anthony Carrano says
Congratulations on your retirement Rob. It was an honor to work with you and I wish you all the best. You are a true professional, educator, and gentleman.
Mary Pat Farina Shell says
Congratulations on your retirement! Memories!!! Delivering newspapers to your mom and Brutus knocking us over, Summer Parks and Rec. I remember being on the first girls soccer team. You were an inspiring Coach! Wow where has time gone! May your retirement be everything you want it to be. ENJOY!!!
Wendy Maxwell says
Wishing you well, you ole wildcat!