OLD LYME—UPDATED 1/12 10:20PM with links to additional Letters to the Editor: On Monday, Jan. 13, at 6:30 p.m. in the Memorial Town Hall Meeting Room, the Old Lyme Zoning Commission will hold its next regular monthly meeting. The agenda features two topics that have been sparking interest in the community. The first is 43 Smith Neck Rd. in the RU-40 Zone, which is the … [Read more...] about Old Lyme Zoning Commission to Review Applications for New Home on Smith Neck Rd., Halls Rd. Overlay District Tonight
Town Hall
Letter to the Editor: Halls Rd. Overlay District on Agenda at Old Lyme Zoning Meeting; Residents Encouraged to Attend, Support Proposal
A Open Letter to the Residents of Old Lyme To the Editor: On Monday, January 13, 2025 at 6:30 pm in Memorial Town Hall, the Halls Road Improvements Committee of the Town of Old Lyme will present the Halls Road Overlay District (HROD) proposal in a public meeting of the Old Lyme Zoning Commission. Attorney William Sweeney will describe the details of this optional Overlay … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Halls Rd. Overlay District on Agenda at Old Lyme Zoning Meeting; Residents Encouraged to Attend, Support Proposal
Letter to the Editor: Neighbors Question if Well Water Supply Sufficient for Proposed 7-Bathroom House on Smith Neck Rd., Old Lyme Zoning to Discuss at Monday Meeting
Editor's Note: This letter was previously submitted to Paul Orzel, Old Lyme Zoning Commission Chair, and members of the Old Lyme Zoning Commission. To the Editor: My husband and I have the good fortune to live on Smith Neck Rd, a beautiful spot many town residents visit throughout the year for recreation and relaxation. Our house is at 39 Smith Neck Rd,, just one property … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Neighbors Question if Well Water Supply Sufficient for Proposed 7-Bathroom House on Smith Neck Rd., Old Lyme Zoning to Discuss at Monday Meeting
Newest Old Lyme PD Recruit Sirigos Graduates from CT Police Academy with Highest GPA in Class
OLD LYME—The Town of Old Lyme has announced that its newest Police Academy recruit, Georgios Sirigos, graduated from the 383rd session at the Connecticut Police Academy on Wednesday, Jan. 8. The ceremony took place at Welte Auditorium at Central Connecticut State University in New Britain, Conn. During the ceremony, Sirigos was presented with the … [Read more...] about Newest Old Lyme PD Recruit Sirigos Graduates from CT Police Academy with Highest GPA in Class
Letter to the Editor: Residents Urged to Attend ‘Crucial’ Zoning Meeting, Jan. 13
Author Says Proposed 11K Sq. Ft. Smiths Neck Home 'Threatens' Old Lyme's 'Environmental Heritage ... Rural Character' To the Editor: Old Lyme residents need to be aware of a concerning development proposal at 43 Smiths Neck Road that threatens our town's environmental heritage and rural character. The proposed 11,000 square-foot residence would … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Residents Urged to Attend ‘Crucial’ Zoning Meeting, Jan. 13
‘A Labor of Love’ Reopens on Lyme St.; Old Lyme Children’s Learning Center Celebrates Successful Completion of Renovations
OLD LYME—It was a brisk and sunny afternoon on Saturday when state and local officials, Old Lyme Children's Learning Center (OLCLC) Board Members and members of the public gathered at the OLCLC building at 57 Lyme St.for a ribbon cutting to celebrate the reopening of the Center after a major renovation. The ribbon-cutting was followed by an Open House with children's … [Read more...] about ‘A Labor of Love’ Reopens on Lyme St.; Old Lyme Children’s Learning Center Celebrates Successful Completion of Renovations
An Open Letter to Old Lyme Residents About the Recent Revaluation
Editor's Note: We received the letter printed below from Old Lyme First Selectwoman Martha Shoemaker. She noted in her accompanying message to us, "Our recent revaluation assessment letters arrived in mailboxes over the past weekend. Residents have been very concerned about their higher assessments. We have written a letter to the residents of Old Lyme to provide … [Read more...] about An Open Letter to Old Lyme Residents About the Recent Revaluation
Veterans Day Celebrated in Old Lyme with Poignant Ceremony
OLD LYME -- A brief ceremony honoring Veterans Day was held Monday at the flagpole in front of Old Lyme's Memorial Town Hall. Current and former members of the military from Old Lyme gathered at the flagpole to honor those, who have given their lives to preserve the freedom of their country, and those who have served in the past or continue to serve today. The simple … [Read more...] about Veterans Day Celebrated in Old Lyme with Poignant Ceremony
Old Lyme Hosts Online Survey to Find Out Where Residents Get Their Local News
OLD LYME — The Town of Old Lyme (OL) is carrying out a survey to understand how both seasonal and year-round residents obtain their local news. The primary purpose of the survey is to understand seasonal residents' off-season newspaper access and subscriptions. The Town's current Ordinance requires posting notice of town meetings in major newspapers during the months of … [Read more...] about Old Lyme Hosts Online Survey to Find Out Where Residents Get Their Local News
Letter to the Editor: Management of Major Projects in Old Lyme is Problematic
To the Editor: With reference to Howard Margules recent Op-Ed published in LymeLine.com, ineffective leadership by Old Lyme’s First Selectperson has been the root cause for ongoing issues with the Lymes' Senior Center renovation and the going-nowhere Halls Road Improvement Project. The failure to appoint competent individuals to manage these projects is a major factor in … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Management of Major Projects in Old Lyme is Problematic
Op-Ed: Old Lyme Needs to Do Better on Major Projects
Editor’s Note: This op-ed was submitted by Howard Margules of Old Lyme. Our town’s major projects—Halls Road, Lymes’ Senior Center, Sewers, Shoreline Gateway, and Affordable Housing—are all vital to our town’s future economic viability. They also share something else in common: they have been “works in process” for quite a while, and all remain unfinished. It … [Read more...] about Op-Ed: Old Lyme Needs to Do Better on Major Projects
Local Vets Complete Training as Veterans Representatives for Towns of Lyme, Old Lyme, Killingworth
ROCKY HILL, CT/LYME/OLD LYME—On June 14, the Connecticut Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) conducted an annual training program for the Veterans Representatives of each Connecticut municipality. The event was held at the main VA campus at Rocky Hill, Conn. Completed training certificates were handed out by Ronald P. Welch, Commissioner, Connecticut Department of … [Read more...] about Local Vets Complete Training as Veterans Representatives for Towns of Lyme, Old Lyme, Killingworth
Clarifications on Project Status Update From Halls Rd. Improvement Committee
OLD LYME —LymeLine reader William Folland raised the need for some clarifications on the project status update we posted Saturday from the Halls Rd. Improvement Committee (HRIC). Halls Rd. Improvement Committee Chair Edie Twining has now responded to Folland's requests for clarification. We felt it would be helpful to our readers to post both comments 'side by side,' … [Read more...] about Clarifications on Project Status Update From Halls Rd. Improvement Committee
Project Status Update from Halls Road Improvement Committee
OLD LYME—On Monday, June 17,, the Halls Road Improvement Committee (HRIC) met with the Old Lyme Board of Selectmen and presented a document summarizing the status of the project. The HRIC Chair Edie Twining asked if we would be willing to publish the document as she felt it would be of interest to our readers. We are happy to oblige and the document is published in its entirety … [Read more...] about Project Status Update from Halls Road Improvement Committee
Old Lyme VNA Announces New Locations for Nurse Office Hours
OLD LYME—The Old Lyme Town Nurse Denise Piersa’s office locations have changed as of June 1. The new locations are as follows: Town Nurse office hours are unchanged at 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Monday to Friday. Town Nurse appointments are open to residents of Lyme, Old Lyme and South Lyme free of charge. Walk-ins are welcome, but residents are encouraged to call ahead of … [Read more...] about Old Lyme VNA Announces New Locations for Nurse Office Hours