To the Editor: We now know that Old Lyme’s First Select-Person, Martha Shoemaker, directed the town’s Public Works Director to remove NOWAY OVERLAY (stet) signs from various locations around town. Prior to the removal of the signs there was no attempt, by any town official, to work with either the property owner or the group responsible for installing the signs to work out … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Sign Removal Issues in Old Lyme Should be Referred to Ethics Commission
Town Hall
Letter to the Editor: Gravel Pit Situation on Mile Creek Rd. is a ‘Travesty’, ‘Cannot be Allowed to Continue’
To the Editor: This letter is in response to the letter sent to the Old Lyme Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission (IWWC) from Old Lyme resident Olaf Bertram-Nothnagel, signed by 52 others, and published on at this link. The letter is an excellent summation of the travesty taking place at 304 & 308-1 Mile Creek Road. This situation cannot be … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Gravel Pit Situation on Mile Creek Rd. is a ‘Travesty’, ‘Cannot be Allowed to Continue’
Letter to the Editor: Support Old Lyme Zoning Against Lawsuit Brought by Smith Neck Rd. Owners After Their Construction Application Denied
To the Editor: We are writing to express our strong support for the Old Lyme Zoning Commission in its defense against a lawsuit brought by the Merriam family against the Town of Old Lyme for rejecting their application for a "Special Permit" for new construction at 43 Smiths Neck Road. It is unfortunate that given all the advantages that money can bring, the Merriams … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Support Old Lyme Zoning Against Lawsuit Brought by Smith Neck Rd. Owners After Their Construction Application Denied
Town of Old Lyme Proclaims March 15 as ‘David Ruggles Day’
OLD LYME—At its meeting on Monday, March 3, the Old Lyme Board of Selectmen voted to proclaim tomorrow, March 15, as 'David Ruggles Day.' Visit this link to see the Town's Proclamation. Born in Old Lyme on March 15, 1810, Ruggles was a champion of both Abolitionism and Civil Rights. Old Lyme Selectman Jim Lampos wrote the following biography of Ruggles, which has been … [Read more...] about Town of Old Lyme Proclaims March 15 as ‘David Ruggles Day’
Op-Ed: Act Now to Stop Halls Rd. Overlay District
Editor's Note: We received this op-ed from Old Lyme resident Hiram E. Manville IV, who states he was, "Born and raised in Old Lyme (1972)" and is a, "Concerned parent, raising our two- and five-year-olds here in Old Lyme." The proposed Halls Road Overlay District (HROD) threatens to permanently alter Old Lyme, overwhelming our infrastructure, endangering the environment, and … [Read more...] about Op-Ed: Act Now to Stop Halls Rd. Overlay District
Op-Ed: HROD Benefits Community, Promotes Sustainable Future for Old Lyme—Helps Prevent Real Threats to OL’s Character, Future
Editor's Note: This op-ed was sent to us by Old Lyme resident Elaine Stiles. As an Old Lyme resident who cares deeply about sustainable growth and housing access, I am writing to express strong support for the proposed Halls Road Overlay District (HROD) and the development and planning principles that inform it. Old Lyme is a small town, but it is located near two … [Read more...] about Op-Ed: HROD Benefits Community, Promotes Sustainable Future for Old Lyme—Helps Prevent Real Threats to OL’s Character, Future
Postponed Feb. 27 Old Lyme Zoning Meeting Rescheduled to April 9, Agenda to Include Request for HROD Approval
OLD LYME — The Old Lyme Zoning Commission meeting, originally scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 27, in the Lyme-Old Lyme Middle School (LOLMS) Auditorium, has been rescheduled to Wednesday, April 9, at 6:30 p.m. in the Lyme-Old Lyme High School (LOLHS) Auditorium. The Zoning The capacity of the LOLHS auditorium is 550 in contrast to that of the LOLMS auditorium at 225. The … [Read more...] about Postponed Feb. 27 Old Lyme Zoning Meeting Rescheduled to April 9, Agenda to Include Request for HROD Approval
Old Lyme is Runner-Up in ‘USA Today’s’ National “Best Small Towns Art Scene” Poll
"Thrilled [to be] Considered ... a top pick" (Cheryl Poirier, Old Lyme EDC Chair) OLD LYME—Yesterday, USA Today announced the results of its 2025 Readers’ Choice Award for Best Small Town Arts Scene. Old Lyme came in second behind Vermillion, S.D. The full list of winners in descending order is as follows: The article in USA Today revealing the … [Read more...] about Old Lyme is Runner-Up in ‘USA Today’s’ National “Best Small Towns Art Scene” Poll
Breaking News: Thursday’s Zoning Meeting Postponed at First Selectwoman, Applicant’s Request
OLD LYME— UPDATED 6:10 p.m. with details of letter sent requesting postponement of meeting. The Old Lyme (OL) Zoning Commission meeting scheduled for Thursday has been postponed at the applicant's request. Today, Old Lyme First Selectwoman Martha Shoemaker sent a letter to Paul Orzel, Chairman of the OL Zoning Commission, saying, "The Halls Road Improvement Committee and … [Read more...] about Breaking News: Thursday’s Zoning Meeting Postponed at First Selectwoman, Applicant’s Request
Old Lyme Zoning Commission Meets Thursday to Continue Discussion of Halls Road Overlay District
Summary Given of All Related Communications Received by LymeLine OLD LYME—On Thursday, Feb. 27, the Old Lyme Zoning Commission will hold Public Hearings and a Special Meeting starting at 6:30 p.m. in the Lyme-Old Lyme Middle School Auditorium. Zoning Commission Chairman Paul Orzel notes that the Middle School has a hard “close” time of 9 p.m., which the Commission intends … [Read more...] about Old Lyme Zoning Commission Meets Thursday to Continue Discussion of Halls Road Overlay District
Letter to the Editor: Disagreements Voiced with HROD—Pause Plan Now, Discuss it Further, Make New Proposal Supported by Majority
To the Editor: I am writing to voice my disagreement with the [Halls Road Overlay District] proposal as currently written. There has been a lot of discussion regarding the proposed density of housing. It's not 600 and I seriously doubt it's 250 as the HRIC [Halls Road Improvement Committee] claims (with no basis, mind you). It all revolves around the "40 units per … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Disagreements Voiced with HROD—Pause Plan Now, Discuss it Further, Make New Proposal Supported by Majority
Letter to the Editor: An Open Letter to the People of Old Lyme—Take Action to Support the Halls Road Overlay District
An Open Letter to the People of Old Lyme: Dear Neighbor, Guided change will allow Halls Road to better serve Old Lyme in the 21st century. The proposed Halls Road Overlay District allows the private investment needed to create a new, mixed-use town center there, scaled to the needs of Old Lyme: For the full details on the Halls Road Overlay … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: An Open Letter to the People of Old Lyme—Take Action to Support the Halls Road Overlay District
A View From My Porch: A Short History of the Halls Road Overlay District (HROD), Why it is ‘a Worthy Project’
Feb. 16, 2025—Prologue: I read a fluorescent green flyer Sunday morning that was seeking signatures on an online petition; which I ignored. The flyer disparaged the Halls Road Overlay District (HROD) and, of course, had no author or organization. It was anonymous; and began “BEWARE!” and then went on saying something about “A WOLF IN SHEEP’s CLOTHING!!” that may have been … [Read more...] about A View From My Porch: A Short History of the Halls Road Overlay District (HROD), Why it is ‘a Worthy Project’
Statement from Old Lyme’s Halls Road Improvement Committee: “Setting the Record Straight on the Halls Road Overlay District (HROD)”
Editor's Note: The Halls Road Improvement Committee (HRIC) asked us to publish this open statement to the Old Lyme community on their behalf. It is the opinion of the HRIC. There has been a wave of posts on social media and elsewhere making claims that misrepresent the actual content of the HROD proposal and distort its possible impact on our community. The true facts will … [Read more...] about Statement from Old Lyme’s Halls Road Improvement Committee: “Setting the Record Straight on the Halls Road Overlay District (HROD)”
Application Denied for Controversial Smith Neck Rd. House in 5-0 Vote at Monday’s Old Lyme Zoning Meeting
OLD LYME—UPDATED 1/11 at 12:10 pm: The 'Record of Votes' related to Monday night's meeting has now been published. Regarding the Special Permit Application toreplace and construct a new 5-bedroom residence with an attached 2 car garage at 43 Smith Neck Rd., RU-40 Zone, Jeffrey and Emily Merriam, applicants, the Record states, "A motion was made by D. Savageau, seconded by J. … [Read more...] about Application Denied for Controversial Smith Neck Rd. House in 5-0 Vote at Monday’s Old Lyme Zoning Meeting