OLD LYME -- UPDATED 6/23: It was a night for the ages. The weather was perfect, the music was engaging and hundreds of people came out to enjoy 'Make Music Old Lyme.' People slowly strolled Lyme Street in Old Lyme stopping on some occasions to chat with friends and on others to listen to a variety of bands and solo artists playing a range of different genres of … [Read more...] about Hundreds Stroll Musical Lyme Street to Celebrate Solstice
Vote for Lymes’ Senior Center Improvement Plan Passes Convincingly
OLD LYME -- Tuesday's in-person vote at Lyme-Old Lyme Middle School on whether to approve $4,158,407 for Old Lyme's share of the anticipated total costs for the planning, design and construction of an expansion of the Lymes' Senior Center saw an overwhelming majority support the proposal. The results were as follows: YES: 385NO: 54 The Yes vote represented 87.7% of the … [Read more...] about Vote for Lymes’ Senior Center Improvement Plan Passes Convincingly
Seeking Members of Lyme-Old Lyme HS Class of 1983 for 40th Reunion
LYME/OLD LYME --The Lyme-Old Lyme High School Class of 1983 is hosting a weekend of festivities to celebrate the 40th anniversary of their graduation. All members of the class are welcome to come and reconnect with old friends. The Class is still missing some e-mail addresses so members of the Class are asked to forward this notice to friends and acquaintances from the Class … [Read more...] about Seeking Members of Lyme-Old Lyme HS Class of 1983 for 40th Reunion
CT Water Announces Miami Beach Water System in Old Lyme Now Meets All State, Federal Water Quality Standards
OLD LYME — As it heads into the summer season, Connecticut Water announced on June 14, that it has addressed water quality concerns in the Miami Beach water system in Old Lyme that existed when it acquired that system in September 2022. The system serves approximately 120 customers, who represent a mix of year-round and seasonal residents. The Connecticut Department of … [Read more...] about CT Water Announces Miami Beach Water System in Old Lyme Now Meets All State, Federal Water Quality Standards
Five Old Lyme Track & Field Athletes Awarded All-New England Honors
OLD LYME/BANGOR, MAINE -- On Saturday, June 10, the following Lyme-Old Lyme High School athletes earned All-New England Honors during the New England Championship track meet held in Bangor, Maine: Senior Dylan Sheehan took 4th place in the discus contest. Freshman Chase Gilbert came in 4th place in the 3200m race. Seniors Maddy Morgado, Lyla Powers, Kate Walsh, and … [Read more...] about Five Old Lyme Track & Field Athletes Awarded All-New England Honors
Registration Now Open for Lymes Creative Arts Teen Summer Program
LYME/OLD LYME -- Registration is now open for the third season of Lymes Creative Arts, a summer arts program for teens residing in Lyme and Old Lyme. The 2023 season includes seven new offerings including filmmaking, photography, and ceramic mosaic-making, as well as returning favorites such as outdoor art studio and jewelry making. The initiative is produced and … [Read more...] about Registration Now Open for Lymes Creative Arts Teen Summer Program
Atty. John ‘Jack’ Collins of Old Lyme Reappointed as Judge of Gaming Disputes Court for Mohegan Tribe
OLD LYME/ NEW LONDON - Old Lyme resident John A. Collins, III, has been reappointed as a Judge of the Gaming Disputes Court for the Mohegan Tribe for a 5-year term, effective May 9, 2023. Collins presides over matters assigned by the Chief Judge pursuant to the Mohegan Gaming Disputes Ordinance and the Mohegan Tribe Constitution. In its constitution, the Mohegan Tribe … [Read more...] about Atty. John ‘Jack’ Collins of Old Lyme Reappointed as Judge of Gaming Disputes Court for Mohegan Tribe
Highest-Ranking Academic Achievement Class in Lyme-Old Lyme History Celebrates Commencement
OLD LYME -- UPDATED 6/10 with additional photos and captions. PHOTO GALLERY AT FOOT OF ARTICLE. It might have been a little hazy from the Canadian wildfires but the Commencement Ceremony for the Lyme-Old Lyme High School (LOLHS) Class of 2023 went off without a hitch, complete with all the usual pomp and ceremony, making it a memorable night for all. The Class of 2023 … [Read more...] about Highest-Ranking Academic Achievement Class in Lyme-Old Lyme History Celebrates Commencement
‘Summer Sculpture Showcase 2023’ on View Through October in Old Lyme, Features Works by 14 Acclaimed Artists
OLD LYME -- Now in its eighth year, the Showcases have featured the selected sculptural works of over 100 acclaimed artists, providing them with a unique opportunity to showcase their sculpture in an outdoor environment specifically designed to nurture the creative arts. The annual exhibitions have drawn a total of over 7000 viewers to the 4.5-acre sculpture garden located on … [Read more...] about ‘Summer Sculpture Showcase 2023’ on View Through October in Old Lyme, Features Works by 14 Acclaimed Artists
Suisman Shapiro Attorneys Zrenda of Old Lyme and Bouchard Win Over $284,000 at Trial on Behalf of Client Injured in Workplace
NEW LONDON/OLD LYME -- Recently, following a two-day trial, a New London County jury awarded Attorneys Kyle Zrenda and Tim Bouchard’s client $284,514.07 for injuries he suffered in a slip on a wet floor at work. Zrenda, who resides in Old Lyme, and Bouchard are both employed as Attorneys at Suisman Shapiro Attorneys at Law in New London. Despite not putting up any warning … [Read more...] about Suisman Shapiro Attorneys Zrenda of Old Lyme and Bouchard Win Over $284,000 at Trial on Behalf of Client Injured in Workplace
Lyme-Old Lyme HS Seniors Celebrate Impending Graduation with Exuberant Car Parade Down Lyme Street
OLD LYME -- Yesterday evening, the Seniors from Lyme-Old Lyme High School Seniors took the streets -- Lyme Street, that is -- to celebrate their penultimate day as students at the school. They held a carefully planned parade in their decorated cars traveling slowly down Lyme St. to Ferry Rd., ably supported by Old Lyme's Police, Fire and Ambulance Departments. The … [Read more...] about Lyme-Old Lyme HS Seniors Celebrate Impending Graduation with Exuberant Car Parade Down Lyme Street
A Tangled Story: Witness Stones Project Celebrates Placement of New Historical Plaques Honoring Lives of Enslaved Persons in Old Lyme
OLD LYME -- On June 2, a large audience, along with musicians, singers, genealogists, poets, and descendants, gathered on the lawn of the Phoebe Griffin Noyes Library to honor the lives of enslaved persons who lived in Old Lyme. The Old Lyme Witness Stones Project, with the support of its many local partners, recently installed new historical plaques on a grassy … [Read more...] about A Tangled Story: Witness Stones Project Celebrates Placement of New Historical Plaques Honoring Lives of Enslaved Persons in Old Lyme
Old Lyme Track & Field Team Records Two First Places at State Open, Advances Six Athletes to New England Open, Saturday
OLD LYME -- The Lyme-Old Lyme High School Track and Field team achieved some amazing results at last Monday’s State Open Championship held at Willow Brook Park in New Britain. Old Lyme Junior Jacob Volkerts placed first in the 100m Dash with an impressive time of 10.64 beating second-placed Achillius White of Windsor by a mere 0.02 seconds. Freshman Chase Gilbert also … [Read more...] about Old Lyme Track & Field Team Records Two First Places at State Open, Advances Six Athletes to New England Open, Saturday
Old Lyme VNA Presents $4000 to Three Rivers College to Assist Nursing Students from L-OL
NORWICH, CONN. – The Old Lyme Visiting Nurse Association (VNA) has donated $4,000 to the Three Rivers College Foundation. This gift will be used to support Three Rivers Community College (TRCC) nursing students with demonstrated financial need residing in the towns of Old Lyme, Lyme, or South Lyme. Founded in 1922, the Old Lyme Visiting Nurse Association is committed to … [Read more...] about Old Lyme VNA Presents $4000 to Three Rivers College to Assist Nursing Students from L-OL
Old Lyme Tennis Girls ‘Three-Peat’ to Win Class S State Championship
OLD LYME -- UPDATED 5:30pm with coach's comments: This morning at Wesleyan University, the Old Lyme Girls' tennis team emerged victorious in the Class S State Championship, winning the tournament for the third time in succession. The girls defeated Westbrook 7-0 to remain undefeated through the whole season. We asked coach Lauren Rahr how she felt about today's … [Read more...] about Old Lyme Tennis Girls ‘Three-Peat’ to Win Class S State Championship