To the Editor:
This evening, at the Old Lyme Annual Town Business Meeting, there will be a presentation, followed by a vote, on proposed upgrades to our Emergency Operations Center (EOC). After expected grants of over $900,000, which will cover most of the construction, furnishings, and IT, the town would be responsible for about $600,000 for the upgrades to our town asset at the Boughton Road Fire Station..
As a former town selectwoman, I have participated in numerous emergency drills and actual emergency events at the Boughton Road Fire House. I consider these communication and infrastructure upgrades important and necessary for the safety of our residents. Additionally, these upgrades will enhance the required training of our volunteers who, for example, must practice decontamination drills in the event of an accident at Millstone. Compared to other facilities I have seen, the EOC is cramped, and the limited space makes it difficult for personnel to efficiently manage the multitude of required tasks in an emergency event. A centralized facility in any emergency provides direct, effective, and essential, communication to all emergency personnel and residents.
I understand that emergencies requiring personnel to assemble at the EOC are infrequent, but if and when they arise, an effective operation center is absolutely critical.
Mary Jo Nosal,
Old Lyme.