OLD LYME—The annual Lyme-Old Lyme Food Share Garden (LOLFSG) Sponsor a Row campaign kicked off on Oct. 1, 2024. The LOLFSG is immensely grateful to individuals, families, organizations, and businesses who sponsored the garden this season.
This year volunteers donated more than 1100 hours, gave more than 4700 pounds of food to local food pantries, installed a hoop house, and composted more than 1000 pounds of donated food waste.
The garden is also working with the Region 18 school district to renovate the middle school greenhouse. An official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony will be announced soon.
The annual cost to maintain a garden bed from seed through delivery is approximately $250. All money will go directly towards the operating expenses of the garden, including seeds/transplants, fertilizer, weed barrier fabric, irrigation tape, electricity, and tools. In appreciation, each $250 donation from Oct. 1, 2024 – March 31, 2025 will be recognized with a sign at the garden and on the LOLFSG website.
Donations in any amount are also welcome. Donations can be made at lolfoodsharegarden.org or mailed to LOL Food Share Garden Inc., PO Box 395, South Lyme, CT 06376.