In keeping with a long tradition and in the interests of increasing voter knowledge prior to next week’s critically important elections, we asked all the state candidates, whose districts include Lyme and/or Old Lyme, to send us a brief biography and photo, and answer three questions that we posed to them.
We are delighted to report that all six candidates responded to our questions by our deadline and also adhered to our strict word limits — 100 words for the biography and 350 words for each response. We would like to express our sincere thanks to the candidates for their timely cooperation.
The questions were:
- What is the most serious problem currently facing the state of Connecticut? What proposal(s) would you make to alleviate the problem?
- ‘Book-banning’ has been a significant issue in the community—where do you stand on the matter?
- Why are you running for this position?
The candidates are:
CT HOUSE DiSTRICT #23 (includes Lyme and Old Lyme)
Devin Carney (R – Incumbent)
Jane Wisialowski (D)
CT STATE SENATE DISTRICT #20 (includes Old Lyme)
Martha Marx (D – incumbent)
CT STATE SENATE DISTRICT #33 (includes Lyme)
Norm Needleman (D – incumbent)
Jeff Duigou (R)
Click on the candidate’s name above to read their biography and responses to our questions.
Continuing our commitment to independent, objective journalism, we will not be making any candidate endorsements.