OLD LYME—At its recent board meeting, the Lyme-Old Lyme Food Share Garden (LOLFSG) celebrated a donation from St. Ann’s Episcopal Church of Old Lyme, who generously funded the purchase of a garage for the LOLFSG.
The Rev .Anita Schell of St. Ann’s noted, “It’s all about partnerships.”

The structure will house the garden’s tractor and other materials necessary to support the newly-expanded garden.
The LOLFSG expressed enormous gratitude to Saint Ann’s Church for the donation.
Carolyn Kilroy, St. Ann’s Outreach Director, added that both the LOLFSG and the St. Ann’s community have a “shared vision” in their commitment to address local food insecurity.
In 2023, LOLFSG volunteers donated more than 1000 hours, delivered more than 2500 pounds of food to local food pantries, installed a pollinator pathway at the garden, composted more than 1500 pounds of donated food waste, and yet still made time to expand the garden.
An increase in size also necessitates increased help. LymeLine readers are invited to consider joining the LOLFSG community in 2024. Volunteers and donations are always needed.
For further information about the LOLFSG, visit their website or Facebook page.