OLD LYME — Old Lyme resident Stephen Spooner has sent us a copy of the letter, which was addressed to the Old Lyme Phoebe Griffin Noyes (OLPGN) Library Officers and Board of Trustees, and copied to OLPGN Director Katie Huffman, the nine members of the Region 18 Board of Education, Region 18 Superintendent Ian Nevisier (sic), Lymes’ Youth Service Bureau Director Mary Seidner and the three members of the Old Lyme Board of Selectmen.
The letter references the book titled “Let’s Talk About it”, by Erika Moen and Matthew Nolan, and requests that the library should “reconsider” [its] decision on this book and its availability to children ages 11-19.” The letter continues, “If it is determined to be inappropriate, we request a proper review of the materials in the Teen/Tween room in hopes that no other content like this is available in that space.”
The letter concludes, “Lastly, we encourage a change in the library’s focus for our community’s children.”
In his email to LymeLine.com, Spooner states that his, “Only comment,” is, “The letter and images speak for themselves. We respectfully await their [the OLPGN Library Officers and Board of Trustees] response.”
Spooner also included the covers and a selection of pages from the two books, which are the focus of his letter. We cannot publish these as that would represent a copyright violation on our part.
Spooner identifies himself as the “Lead organizer” of the letter, which has 135 signatories. The respective hometowns of the signatories are not given but the letter states they are all, “of Lyme and Old Lyme.”
The list of signatories includes Old Lyme First Selectman Tim Griswold and Selectman Matt Ward, Region 18 Board of Education members Christopher Staab and Mary Powell-St. Louis, and OLPGN Trustee Tara Ward.
Various other signatories serve on Old Lyme Boards and Commissions including J. David Kelsey (Board of Finance Chair), Maria Marchant (Board of Finance), Mona Colwell and Margaret [Jane] DeRisio (Economic Development Commission), and Sloan Danenhower (Zoning Commission Alternate.)
The full text of the letter is as follows:
Dear Old Lyme Phoebe Griffin Noyes Library Officers and Board of Trustees,
We are writing to you with real concern about the age appropriateness of the content in the Teen/Tween room.
Enclosed is a copy of a purchase decision made by our publicly funded library titled, “Let’s Talk About it”, by Erika Moen and Matthew Nolan. We have annotated pages of concern for your ease of reference. This book appears in the Phoebe Griffin Noyes library, 306.7 MOEN, occupying shelf space in the Teen/Tween Room. We request that you leaf through this and other problematic books, another example in enclosures, that are displayed in the Teen/Tween room.
Every community has limited financial resources and prioritizes how to spend its funds. Libraries must make decisions about what material and content they purchase for public consumption. “Let’s Talk About It” contains graphics (often accompanied by detailed direction) on how to masturbate, have sex, conduct anal sexual activities, give and receive oral sex, with the catchy, upbeat suggestion “Things to Try!”. It also directs readers that “a great place to research fantasies and kink safely is on the internet! There are tons of people and communities who share your interests and have all kinds of advice.”
A library must maintain the public trust, and that is why we, as parents, grandparents, citizens (of Lyme and Old Lyme), and taxpayers, are speaking out. This trust is especially critical when it comes to collaborating with our children. One of the outstanding aspects of the OLPGN, given its close proximity and close affiliation with Region 18 schools, is the ability for middle and high school students to visit the library independently after school and at other times. We do not believe that this material is in any way sex education and it is unbecoming of our community values.
To be clear: we are not advocating banning any books. We are mindful of the conversations taking place nationally. Our concern is specific to the age-appropriate content within the Teen/Tween room. Some of the names below have met with Region 18 middle school principal who has assured us that this material is not available in our schools, as it ought not to be.
We ask that you reconsider your decision on this book and its availability to children ages 11-19. If it is determined to be inappropriate, we request a proper review of the materials in the Teen/Tween room in hopes that no other content like this is available in that space.
Lastly, we encourage a change in the library’s focus for our community’s children. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Respectfully submitted,
– Signees are in no particular order and include many town leaders, educators, community volunteers, parents, grandparents, LOLHS graduates, and library supporters.
Stephen Spooner (Lead organizer)
Mike Bucior Annie Morosky Stacy Spooner Cheryl Bucior Chris Morosky Dean Williams Heather Bushy Keith Lovendale
J. David Kelsey Jarod Bushy Jessica Lovendale Emily Jewett Todd Burgess Trudy Burgess Mary Powell-St. Louis Jamie Munson Kasie Munson Tom St. Louis Bob Brinkerhoff Sandra King Lori Warner Speirs Debra Boardman Drew King Tarra St. Pierre
Mike Boardman Jan Warner Jim St. Pierre Kirk Hoerauf Eric Toriello Maria Marchant Dana Hoerauf Sloan Danenhower Christopher Marchant Patrick Avelange Natasha Avelange Tim Griswold David Acosta Jessica Acosta Paul Lipp Karen Lipp
Dick Shriver Lee Cantner Linda Cantner Barbara Shriver Mary Spiegel Tara Ward Matt Ward Steve Spiegel Matthew Sharp
Susan Arico Mona Colwell JoAnn Thomas York Arico Emerson Colwell John Golebiewski Lisa Golebiewski David Hovey
Deb Czarnecki Peter Bass Sarah Hovey Keith Czarnecki Michelle Bass Isaiah Griffith Sandee Griffith Emma Griffith
Christina Steiner Traver Steiner Lauren Presti Brian Monte Angela Newton Madeline Hubbard Joseph Malerba Anthony Marchant David Middleton Mrs. Joseph Malerba Angela Marchant Donna Middleton Wolfgang Albrecht Christina Evers David Evers
Kimberly Jewett Peter Kronquist Tina Albrecht Courtney Janelle Dan Montano Donna Staab James Janelle Christopher Staab Erin Staab Chris Lequire Susan Staab Whitney Barbour Amy Lequire Kim Barbour John Barbour Dave Griswold Brandon Novak Amanda Novak Elaine Griswold Andrew Monte Carol Warner Rick Guillet Suzanne Guillet Victoria Lanier Mike Presti
Allyson Presti Charles Monte Peg Kuhn Adam Kuhn Andrina Monte Ken Munson Paula Munson Dave Munson Tony Russell
Traci Russell Amanda Gates LaVern Alexander Margaret DeRisio Debra O’Neil Charlie Warner John Coughlin Michelle Labriola Mark Dishaw Kristen Dishaw Dan Labriola Charlie DeLinks Eva Cheshire Annette Hubbard Kristen Bullock Corey Bullock
Tim Goss Mercedes Buckingham Meghan Anderson Stacy Goss
On one hand, the strong suspicion is that no media, even adult magazines like the Atlantic and New Yorker, would publish the more graphic parts of these books. So those championing the books are being disingenuous.
On the other hand, 11+ year olds are very likely to have already seen, on the internet, the sexual acts detailed in the book. They are probably amused that parents think they are protecting them from these subjects.
Sounds like neither side has a very strong case.