OLD LYME — UPDATED 5:30pm with coach’s comments: This morning at Wesleyan University, the Old Lyme Girls’ tennis team emerged victorious in the Class S State Championship, winning the tournament for the third time in succession.

The girls defeated Westbrook 7-0 to remain undefeated through the whole season.

We asked coach Lauren Rahr how she felt about today’s victory. She replied by email, “It is hard to put into words how this feels. I don’t think it has fully sunk in yet.”
She continued, “Growing up playing high school tennis, we always looked at the state championship like a once in a lifetime opportunity (if that, my junior year team was ranked #1 in the state and we didn’t even make it to the finals.) The state championship was the best of the best and [it was] super rare to come home with a trophy. To think that we now have three is simply incredible.”

Rahr commented, “I hope all of the girls recognize how truly remarkable their season was. A large portion of the team started when I started coaching in 2021. Most came with no match experience. My goal was to build their confidence, mental toughness, and change the way they thought about tennis to make it more about hitting the right shots at the right time.”
She concluded, “We have all come so far. I want to thank the team for their constant dedication to the program. They put in many hours of hard work to get to where they are today. I couldn’t be more proud, and I am so lucky that these girls are now part of my favorite tennis memories.”
The full results of the final match were as follows:
1st Singles:
Sam Tan Vs Megan Bache 6-4, 6-3
2nd Singles:
Elaina Morosky vs Delaney Belcourt 6-0, 6-2
3rd Singles:
Callie Bass vs Ava Ciarcia 6-0, 6-0
4th Singles:
Katherine Zhang vs Caroline Dias 6-1, 6-0
1st Doubles:
Livie Bass / Alexis Fenton 6-0, 6-1
Adriana Stranieri / Olivia Palumbo
2nd Doubles:
Aggie Hunt/ Beatrice Hunt 6-1, 6-0
Giovanna Silva / Natalie Palumbo
3rd Doubles:
Izzy Reynolds/Natalie Buckley 6-1, 6-1
Gabby Spash / Norah Hayden

Huge congratulations from all of us here at LymeLine to all the team players and their coaches on such an amazing season!