OLD LYME — UPDATED 6/23: It was a night for the ages.

The weather was perfect, the music was engaging and hundreds of people came out to enjoy ‘Make Music Old Lyme.’

People slowly strolled Lyme Street in Old Lyme stopping on some occasions to chat with friends and on others to listen to a variety of bands and solo artists playing a range of different genres of music.

It was an evening that not only emanated joy and laughter but was also devoid of any pressure to make purchases.

Refreshments were cheerfully served in front of Center School by the Lyme-Old Lyme Lions and also available at both the Old Lyme Ice Cream Shoppe and a van hosted by Gather.

The finale of the event was a well-attended and enthusiastic Make Music Jam Session at Studio 80 + Sculpture Grounds.

It seemed all agreed that it was indeed a warm and wonderful night.