NEW HAVEN — On Friday, the Lyme-Old Lyme Girls Indoor Track & Field team pulled off a spectacular result finishing in the top spot in the Shoreline Conference Championship held at the Floyd Little Athletic Center in New Haven.
The official results have not yet been posted but a selection of the unofficial girls’ and boys’ results includes the following:

Boys 4×800 2nd place: Harry Whitten, Eric Dagher, Gabriel Tooker, Dylan Hoovey

Girls 600m 1st place: Lyla Powers
Girls 1600m Sprint Medley 1st place: Alexis Fenton, Serena Mazzi, Lyla Powers, Maddy Morgado
Girls 1600m & 3200m 1st place: Chase Gilbert
Girls 4×400 1st place: Aggie Hunt, Beatrice Hunt, Bronwyn Kyle, Lyla Powers
Girls shotput 2nd place: Emma Bayor
Boys shotput 2nd place: Dylan Sheehan
Girls long jump 2nd place: Zoe Eastman-Grossel
Hearty congratulations from LymeLine to all the Lyme-Old Lyme indoor track and field participants!