Editor’s Note: This is a Sponsored Post by Suisman Shapiro Attorneys-at-Law.

Driving during winter months is inherently more dangerous than driving in other seasons because the road conditions can make an accident more likely. Some of this is also out of the control of motorists, who may have no choice but to drive in suboptimal conditions when they have to go to work or to school.
As such, it is important to know how to drive safely and avoid accidents. Here are some tips that can help.
Remember that you can’t always see ice
In some situations, it is very obvious that there is ice and snow on the road, so drivers are more likely to be careful. But you also have to watch out for black ice, which is a type of thin ice that is so clear that you can’t even see it while you’re driving. This is perhaps the most dangerous road condition in the winter.
Reduce your speed when possible
Slick road conditions are going to make it harder to react to conditions ahead of you because you cannot slow the car down as quickly. The best counter for this is simply to reduce your speed while you drive. This gives you a better chance of stopping and reduces the odds of serious injuries if you are involved in a wreck.
Focus on staying calm and in control
If you have to drive in poor conditions, always try to stay calm and remain in control of the vehicle, staying alert and keeping your eyes on the road. Never allow yourself to become distracted. Don’t rush, but focus on careful driving until you reach your destination.
If you do get injured in an accident caused by another driver, you may be able to seek financial compensation.
Editor’s Note: Suisman Shapiro is located at 75 State Street, New London, CT 06320. Their mailing address is 2 Union Plaza, P.O. Box 1591 New London, CT 06320. Visit their website or call 800-499-0145 — lines are open 24 hours a day.