OLD LYME — The Old Lyme Democratic Town Committee (DTC) has announced its endorsements for the upcoming November election for Democratic candidates for State and Federal offices.
The unanimous endorsements were made at the regular monthly meeting of the Old Lyme DTC held Wednesday, Aug. 10.
In a press release announcing the endorsements, the Old Lyme DTC states that it, “Applauds all, who have stepped up to lead, and urges the community to go out and vote on Nov. 8 …”
The press release also notes that the Old Lyme DTC believes that, “The endorsed candidates listed below reflect the best interests for the future of Old Lyme.”
Governor – Ned Lamont
Lieutenant Governor – Susan Bysiewicz
Attorney General – William Tong
Treasurer – Erick Russell
Secretary Of The State – Stephanie Thomas
Comptroller – Sean Scanlon
U.S. Senator – Richard Blumenthal
U.S. Representative District 2 – Joe Courtney
State Senator 20th District – Martha Marx
State Representative 23rd District – J. Colin Heffernan
No real surprises here; and I think that’s a good thing. I encourage these candidates to continue to base their political advertisements on credentials and accomplishments.
I wore out the mute button on my remote with the string of negative, hostile, and almost threatening advertisement the other party used in the primaries and the beginning of the campaign for governor.
A former First Lady of the United States once said “when they go low, we go high”; and I think that’s pretty good advice.