To the Editor:
On July 5th of this year, I submitted a letter to our First Selectman, Tim Griswold, regarding the unsafe conditions that exist on Library Lane. I shared that the volume of traffic on this road has increased greatly in the past few years and without sidewalks, it is a very dangerous situation. Foot traffic grew during the pandemic. Additionally, vehicles are making no effort to slow down and are moving much faster than the speed limit. The one posted speed limit sign of 20 mph is ignored by a majority of vehicles who are often going twice the limit. Neighbors have discussed this issue and agree there should be more speed limit signs erected, and if possible, within reason, a police presence to enforce the proper speed.
I offered my services to meet and further discuss the formulation of a plan to resolve this unsafe condition on Library Lane. It has been over four months and I have not heard one word from the First Selectman or his office. They have not acknowledged my letter or the concerns of the residents on Library Lane. No action has been taken at all. This is not the response I am looking for from a highly effective local government.
John J. Angelico,
Old Lyme.
Christina J. & Thomas D. Gotowka says
We agree with Mr. Angelico’s assessment of the traffic situation. We live in a walking town, and the new influx of large trucks, at speed, on residential streets like Library Lane, has also really become “a clear and present danger”. What he didn’t mention in his LTE, and perhaps he did in his notes to the First Selectman, are the “head fakes” at the stop signs on Lyme Street,, both ways, at the intersection with Library Lane. Note that many of the daytime walkers are school children.
Paula Sadlon says
I would suggest to those concerned to contact the police regarding the traffic violations. It is their responsibility to enforce these laws.
The “clear and present danger” reference is a laughable hyperbole. The writer should research the history of this phrase.
Carolyn Miranda says
Unresponsive government ! I too brought my concern to Three Board of Selectmen”s meetings recently concerning traffic speed along Shore Rd where the posted speed limit is 30 mph along the residential beach communities. Construction vehicles, tractor trailers, school buses, garbage trucks, as well as cars traverse this section of road routinely at consistently high rates of speed well beyond the posted mph. I took this approach after calling OLPD 5 times over a 6 week periods, leaving messages about my traffic concerns. 5 weeks later the only response was a message left on my voicemail that said “we’re doing the best we can” , never heard from them again nor noticed any change in traffic flow. We too have an abundance of walkers, joggers and bicyclists in our area. NO response from Selectmen ! I would think that $198,184 as documented in the Published 2019-2020 Old Lyme Annual Report for the Resident State Trooper would require more responsiveness and accountability to taxpayers concerns for SAFETY in our community as well as active attention to this matter by our elected officials.
Christina J. & Thomas D. Gotowka says
Thanks for the comment. I hope that our little bit of hyperbole did not impact the concerns raised by Mr. Angelico. Nevertheless, the problem with drivers ignoring traffic laws remains
William Folland says
There is a history here of overstating issues.
Paula Sadlon says
Indeed that is true. There are traffic scofflaws all over Old Lyme. There are many who blow through the stop sign at Flat Rock onto Mile Creek (very dangerous) and lack of one car passage under and failure to stop at the railroad bridge on Mile Creek, and cutting off drivers exiting the the Baldwin Bridge at 70. The list goes on.
FYI, the use of “clear and present danger” is not a little bit of hyperbole. It reflects an embarrassing lack of knowledge.
Kimberly Thompson says
The town of Old Lyme owns one of those radar speed monitors that can be mounted on a speedlimit sign and flash when cars approach it going over the speed limit. they have been used effectively on Shore Rd and Mile Creek (and I’m sure other places) in the past. One resident whose section of street saw appreciable changes in vehicle speed with the used of one of these signs in the past asked Mr. Griswold at a recent meeting if the sign could be put back. Rather than responding that he’d look into it, or he would contact OLPD or Public Works, Mr. Griswold simply responded that he “didn’t know where the sign was”
This is a clear demonstration of a lack of compassion for the issues raised by constituents as well as a lack of accountability for town assets.
There have been several Car-on-pedestrian accidents in town and the First Selectman should be taking these safety issues seriously.