To the Editor:
The Witness Stones project, which was dedicated last week on the library grounds, demonstrates that Old Lyme residents recognize a non-revisionist view of an unfortunate part of our town’s history.
We should place a capstone on that project, and publicly acknowledge that, in Old Lyme, all residents may avail themselves of the same resources and opportunities, regardless of race, color, or creed. Aren’t these our values? Note that Connecticut did block the importation of slaves in 1774, and began a gradual emancipation in 1784.
That said, we call upon the BOS to take one additional symbolic step and finally support the Resolution that’s been on the table for the past few months.
Also note that, earlier this month, both CT’s House and Senate affirmed racism as a public health crisis, and resolved to convene a panel to study the effect of racism on health care.
Paraphrasing, the past need not always be a prologue to the future.
Respectfully submitted.
Christina J. & Thomas D. Gotowka,
Old Lyme.