OLD LYME — ARTICLE UPDATED, PHOTOS ADDED: The air was warm and spirits were high early on Monday evening when more than 500 people took a stroll on Lyme Street to enjoy the music of a dozen bands and solo performers, who together created Make Music Old Lyme.

It turned into an evening of wonderful musical entertainment and also the opportunity to reconnect with friends after a very long and challenging year.

The celebration spanned the length of Lyme Street from the First Congregational Church of Old Lyme, where Steve Dedman of Plywood Cowboy played all the way up to the Lyme Academy of Fine Arts where the Old Lyme Town Band entertained on the front lawn.

A number of people brought chairs and moved from performance to performance to enjoy the evening full of folk, indie rock, Americana, and more.

Many residents were surprised to learn that all of the musicians donated their time and talent to support the international Make Music Day credo of free music for all.

The Lyme-Old Lyme Lions Club sold over 100 hamburgers and more than 100 hot dogs …

… and meanwhile, The Chocolate Shell generously offered a 10 percent on all purchases.

Cheryl Poirier, a lead organizer of Make Music Old Lyme, told LymeLine after the event that she felt it was, “A highly successful night … [and] a great time was had by all!”

The comments we have seen about the event on our Facebook page and here on LymeLine strongly suggest that was the universal opinion!

The event was part of an international celebration of free music for all produced by the Old Lyme Arts District in conjunction with the Southeastern Connecticut Cultural Coalition and Nightingale’s Acoustic Cafe arranged the musical lineup.

This was the third year Make Music Old Lyme has been presented; it was cancelled last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

At the end of the two-hour event, a ‘Kazoo Parade’ led by Dan Stevens brought people to Studio 80+ Sculpture Grounds, where a final jam session involving many of the performers continued.

Make Music Old Lyme returns next year on the Summer Solstice, Tuesday, June 21, 2022.

Bravo to everyone involved with the event on Monday night . It’s great to see people happy again ❤️
Thanks to everyone who participated in this event, especially the great musicians who all performed free of charge. Good to see people getting out and enjoying our community. Please support our efforts to bring live music back and stay tuned for more great fun at the Lyme Academy of Fine Arts concerts on Thursdays, Concert at Hamburg Fairgrounds on July 10 and outdoor events in the yard next to Nightingales. Let’s Rock Old Lyme this summer!
Great to see everyone out and enjoying this free event! What a lovely evening and beautiful setting to MAKE MUSIC!!!!
A most festive and enjoyable event on Monday.
Kudos to all who planned the evening. A nice reminder as to how fortunate we are to live here.