LYME/OLD LYME — In light of the serious rise in Coronavirus cases, we have started a new daily update reporting confirmed and probable COVID-19 cases in Lyme and Old Lyme. The state is now issuing a COVID-19 metric report daily around 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.
The Connecticut Department of Health (CT DPH) does not give any details of the age of those infected, their gender or the date the case was confirmed.
The Daily Data Report for Connecticut issued by CT DPH Monday afternoon, Nov. 30, (no report was issued Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 28 and 29) shows the following:
Both Lyme and Old Lyme remain in the state-identified ‘Red Zone,’ defined as when the Average Daily Rate of COVID-19 Cases Among Persons Living in Community Settings per 100,000 Population By Town exceeds 15.
OLD LYME now has a cumulative total (since the outbreak began) of 80 confirmed COVID-19 cases.
This represents an increase of two confirmed cases over the 78 cases reported Friday, Nov. 27.
The number of Old Lyme residents tested is 3,072.
There have been two fatalities in Old Lyme.
The Nov. 30 report issued by CT DPH shows that during the two-week reporting period from 11/08 through 11/21, Old Lyme had 15 cases in Week 1 and 9 in Week 2. This data has not been updated, however, since Nov. 25.
The case rate for 100,000 population is 23.3. A case rate of 15 or more cases per 100,000 population places a town in the state’s ‘Red Zone.’
LYME has a cumulative total (since the outbreak began) of 21 confirmed cases and two probable cases, making a total of 23 cases.
This represents an increase of one confirmed case and no change in the number of probable cases over those reported Friday, Nov. 27.
There have been no fatalities in Lyme.
The number of Lyme residents tested is 662.
The Nov. 27 report issued by CT DPH shows that during the two-week reporting period from11/08 through 11/21, Lyme had 1 case in Week 1 and 6 in Week 2. This data has not been updated, however, since Nov. 25.
The case rate for 100,000 population is 21.4. A case rate of 15 or more cases per 100,000 population places a town in the state’s ‘Red Zone.’
The COVID-19 metric report is issued by the state once per day, every Monday through Friday. The report that is issued each Monday contains combined data that was collected on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The state will issue its next report Tuesday, Dec. 1.
David Plante says
Old Lyme is a tiny town, It has a large elderly population and for the most part everyone takes social distancing and mask wearing as law. 80 cases is to many. People, we need to do better and learn how to live with Covid. We cannot risk the lives of our neighbors, our children and ourselves. Shop on line during off hours. We must wear masks to cover our mouths and noses and wear glasses and disposable gloves when at stores. Avoid touching our faces. Eat at home as much as possible. I know there are doubters out there that don’t believe Covid19 is real. This is no time for politicizing this crisis. Do you want your friends,and family members to die? No?? well follow the rules and hang tough. We can beat this if we all work together. This virus is non partisan!!!