LYME —‘The Farmer’s Market at Tiffany Farms’ in Lyme is open this Saturday, Oct. 16, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. This will be the final day of the season for 2020.
Vendors this morning include
- Sankow’s Beaver Brook Farm
- Bittersweet Farm
- Biscotti & Beyond
- Chatfield Hollow Farm
- Dondero Orchards
- Falls Brook Organic Farm
- From the Farm
- Long Table Farm
- TALK Seafood
- Traveling Italian Chef
- Wave Hill Breads
Jennifer Tiffany, who runs the market with her husband Bill Hurtle, told LymeLine by phone, “We really struggled with whether to open at all this year, but in the end, we decided that we’re not going to let the community down, we’re not going to let the farmers down and we’re not going to let our family down.”

The pair therefore continued with their plans to open the market but putting new guidelines into place in view of the COVID-19 situation. They are asking all prospective visitors to the market to, “wear a mask” and also — in a delightful turn of phrase — “to keep one cow-length apart.” Tiffany adds that they hope people will also recognize the need, “to stay home if you are not feeling well.”

And as a visual for the positive attitude they would like to convey to the community, Tiffany noted that the silo at the farm now has a huge heart — which was painted by her daughter Lisa Simiola — affixed to it thanks to the volunteer efforts of Wilcox Tree Experts. Tiffany said that Wilcox, “helped their neighbors lift the “Heart Seen ‘Round Lyme.”
Editor’s Note: We wish Jen and Bill the very best on Opening Day and throughout the season, which lasts until mid-October.
Glad to hear that you’re opening. Your market is an important part of our wonderful town!