LYME — Updated 05/11, changes in red. Lyme Selectman John Kiker told LymeLine in an email Friday morning that a second case of COVID-19 has been confirmed in Lyme, “according to DPH [Department of Public Health.]”
Kiker added, “They have been unable to provide any details on the second case.” The first case was a 34-year-old male. We believe the second case is a 76-year-old male, but this has not yet been confirmed.
Old Lyme holds steady at 14 cases plus one fatality, but Ledge Light Health District (LLHD) will release their weekly report this afternoon on cases as at noon today.
Old Lyme’s confirmed cases comprise:
- a 64-year-old female
- a 21-year-old female
- a 27-year-old male,
- a 53-year-old female
- a 61-year-old female
- a 29-year-old female
- a 40-year-old male
- a 53-year-old male
- a 60-year-old female
- a 48-year-old male
- a 85-year-old female
- a 95-year-old female
- a 20-year-old female
- a 43-year-old female
The fatality was a 61-year-old female.
Old Lyme First Selectman Timothy Griswold has previously noted that the 21-year-old female with a confirmed case was tested in Florida, but used an Old Lyme address although she does not live here. Because she gave the Old Lyme address, Griswold said that LLHD must report her as an Old Lyme resident.