To the Editor:
I am writing to urge Old Lyme residents to vote for the Board of Education team of Suzanne Thompson, Jenn Miller and Steven Wilson. I served on the Board of Education for two years, and I have three daughters in Lyme-Old LymeSchools. Having served on the Board of Education as well as being a parent of LOL students, I have a strong interest in keeping our schools and facilities excellent. The Board of Education must return to a more robust role in overseeing the school administration. In recent years, major issues like universal pre-k, the $35.1 million budget, and (coming soon!) $1.5 million artificial turf field have had remarkably limited Board discussions and public questions. I believe in strong community backing and buy-in on these significant projects. Our Board of Education must lift the veil and allow all sides of these issues to be debated and discussed. We MUST avoid another boathouse debacle in our town.
Thompson, Miller and Wilson represent the strength of leadership to return OUR Board of Education to a proper balance between the administration and the Town’s elected officers whom are charged with vigorously debating key issues before arriving at a conclusion. All of these Row B candidates have either had kids through our system or have kids in the schools today, so their interests are vested. They all have significant personal and professional accomplishments that have shaped their leadership, and all of them are active, contributing community members. Please join me November 5th in voting for Row B for Old Lyme!
Steve Spooner,
Old Lyme.