9 Town Transit (9TT) is preparing for a 15 percent reduction of state funding beginning July 1, 2018 with a proposal of service cuts and fare increases. The agency says the reductions are due to the failure of revenue into the state’s Special Transportation Fund to keep up with expenses.
Under the proposal, bus fares would rise from $1.75 to $2 on bus routes and to $4 on Dial-A-Ride. This would be the second fare increase in 18 months.
The agency is also proposing multiple service reductions. They include:
- Elimination of the senior fare subsidy, which would result in seniors paying a fare on all services for the first time in 37 years.
- Reducing service on Rte. 2 Riverside, which provides service between Chester and Old Saybrook, by eight hours per weekday.
- Elimination of all Saturday service.
- Reducing service on Rte. 1 Shoreline Shuttle by three hours per day (7:30 a.m. trip leaving Old Saybrook, 9 a.m. leaving Madison).
9TT is holding the following hearings:
May 1, at 2 p.m. at Deep River Town Hall, 174 Main St, Deep River, CT;
May 2, at 9 a.m. at Clinton Town Hall Green Room, 54 E Main St, Clinton, CT;
May 3, at 5 p.m. at Mulvey Municipal Center (Multi-Media Room), 866 Boston Post Rd, Westbrook, CT regarding the proposed service changes.
Written statements concerning the proposal may be submitted either at the hearing, by email to [email protected] or mail.
9 Town Transit is encouraging transit users and supporters to let their state representative and senator know how important 9 Town Transit, Shoreline East or other public transit services are to them.
More information about the possible service reductions and ways to help prevent the funding cuts can be found at www.9towntransit.com/fundtransit.