The Lyme Land Trust inaugurated Tour de Lyme in 2013 as an annual bike ride to raise funds to support its mission of preserving and protecting environmentally important land in Lyme. More than 725 riders participated last year and it will be held again this year on Sunday, May 21.
The Tour de Lyme is intended for all to enjoy. It is not competitive (there are no “races” or timed finishes), but rather is designed as a way to showcase and celebrate the preservation of Lyme’s spectacular natural beauty. While some of the courses will be challenging, there are others intended for casual cyclists, and there is even a family ride.
Departure times are designed so that all riders will return to Ashlawn Farm for lunch at about the same time.
Details of the ride options are as follows:
The Challenge– 59 miles – The name says it all. Changes made are sure to please returning riders. A few more beautiful miles, a hill or two eliminated but still a challenge. Detailed cue sheet here and a map of the Challenge Ride 2017. Ride departs at 8 a.m. Follow red arrows.
The Valley35 – 35 miles –The popular Valley rides are less hilly than the Classic. The Valley35 is a longer version of the original with the northern loop of 9 added miles along beautiful roads. Detailed cue sheet here and a map of the Valley 26&35 Rides. Ride departs at 8:45am. Follow green arrows.
The Valley26 – 26 miles – A scenic fun ride. Detailed cue sheet here and a map of the Valley 26&35 Rides. Ride departs at 9:30am. Follow green arrows.
The Classic – 26 miles – Shorter than The Challenge but still challenging. Ride departs at 9:15am. Detailed cue sheet here and a map of the Classic Ride 2016. Follow blue arrows.
The Family – 8 miles – ideal for families riding with children. Ride departs at 10:15am. The Family Ride cue sheet here and a map of the Family Ride. Follow purple arrows.
The Church Goers Ride – 7.6 to 8.8 miles – After services, approximately 11:45am riders leave Old Lyme Congregational and Christ the King and meet up with other riders at Saint Ann’s and then ride to Ashlawn Farm. Follow purple arrows. Detailed cue sheet and map coming soon.
For registration information, visit http://www.tourdelyme.org/register/
For additional information about the Tour de Lyme, visit http://www.tourdelyme.org/
Registration for all of the rides will be open on the day of the ride at Ashlawn Farm.
Lyme Land Trust Organizes Collection of Bikes for ‘Bikes for Kids’
The Lyme Land Conservation Trust is pleased to again host used bike drop-offs along with Reynolds Subaru for Bikes for Kids, Old Saybrook, CT. Any sized donated bike is welcome.
Reynolds Subaru, 286 Hamburg Road (Rte. 156), Lyme, Conn., is accepting used bike donations from May 1 to May 31.
Registered riders for the Tour de Lyme can drop off used bikes for donation on May 21, on arrival at Ashlawn Farm’s parking lot prior to signing in for their cycling event.
Bikes for Kids is a charity organization that collects, refurbishes and distributes bikes primarily to kids, teenagers and some adults to CT families in need. All refurbished bikes are distributed with new cycling helmets.
Bikes for Kids since its founding in 1989 has collected, refurbished and distributed 18,000 bikes to families primarily in the inner cities of New Haven, New London, Middletown and Hartford. Bikes for Kids efforts extend beyond CT and include deliveries to Bell Harbor, New York, Haiti and 30 mountain bikes to Tanzania.
John Pritchard, President of the Lyme Land Trust the organizer of the Tour de Lyme, said “Bikes for Kids is one of our area’s outstanding outreach organizations. We’re delighted again to serve as a host site along with Reynolds Subaru for used bike donations.”
David Fowler, President of Bikes for Kids, and a former science teacher in Lyme-Old Lyme’s Middle School, indicated Bikes for Kids puts people on wheels who would either be walking or not really going anywhere at all. “Last year we delivered almost 1,400 bikes and with the help of the Tour de Lyme collected 150 bikes in the last two years. We hope to deliver and collect more this year.”
The motivating factor of Bikes for Kids’ Founder was “every kid needs a bike”.
For Early Bird home pick-up contact: Dave Fowler, 860-388-2453 or [email protected]
For additional information on Bikes for Kids, visit www.bikesforkidsct.org