With warm weather’s return, it’s a great time to get out and take a walk!

Thanks to the Old Lyme Land Trust (OLTT), you can do that at any of 13 preserves right here in town. Check out breathtaking views of the water from the shorefront ledges at the Karter Watch Rock Preserve, or stroll through the fields to see the river from Whaleback Rock in the Lohmann Connecticut River Preserve. Look for ladyslipper orchids or listen for frogs – just pick a nearby preserve and you really can’t lose.
Since 1966, OLLT has preserved over 1,000 acres of Old Lyme, and more than 500 of them have marked trails, open to the public. The land trust is a non-profit organization, independent of town government, so it is the people of Old Lyme who have really saved these spaces, through their generous donations of land, time, and money.
The Old Lyme Land Trust invites you to join them as they kick off celebrating 50 years of local conservation, by joining members and friends at the Old Lyme Land Trust Annual Meeting. The event is from 3 to 5 p.m. on Sunday, April 3, at the Lymes’ Senior Center, at 126 Town Woods Road, in Old Lyme. Photographs from the annual land trusts’ photo contest will be on display and refreshments provided.
This year’s keynote speaker is Glenn Dreyer, Director of the Connecticut College Arboretum. His talk will be on “Invasive Species: Issues and Management”. The Nature Conservancy has stated that the threat of invasive species to global ecosystems rivals that of climate change, yet many folks remain unaware. Most invasive plants are very attractive, but the damage they do to ecosystems is devastating. Prof. Dreyer will discuss the issue and explain what can be done to help stem this increasing problem.