The Lyme-Old Lyme Chamber of Commerce continues its sponsorship of Light Up Old Lyme today and through the remainder of December. Flyers are available at various locations around town with details of all the events scheduled.
We have published separate articles on LymeLine.com about many of the events listed below and provided a link to them so readers can gain more detailed information on specific happenings.
Today, Saturday, Dec. 3, there are many events to enjoy during the day and evening as follows:
9am-12 noon: Elephants in Winter hosted by the First Congregational Church of Old Lyme’s Ladies Benevolent Society at the First Congregational Church of Old Lyme. Gently used seasonal items galore on sale. Holiday version of the summer White Elephant Sale. Free admission. Refreshments. Raffle. Benefits the church’s mission programs.
10am-12 noon: Cookie Walk hosted by Child & Family Agency inside the Amity Construction & Design showroom, Old Lyme Marketplace. Choose from a huge selection of beautiful, delicious, homemade cookies. Buy by weight. Other gift items for sale. Benefits the Child & Family Agency.
10am-12 noon: Pictures with Santa! hosted by Lymes’ Youth Service Bureau (LYSB) Donations benefit LYSB taking place inside the Amity Construction & Design showroom, Old Lyme Marketplace. Meet Santa and his Elves!
10am-4pm: Holiday Book Sale hosted by the Old Lyme Library’s BookCellar at the Old Lyme-Phoebe Griffin Noyes Library . Free admission. Two special events for children planned in the library during the Saturday sale.
- 10am-12pm: Visit by ‘Anna & Elsa’ from Frozen.
- 1-3pm: Create a Harry Potter-themed holiday ornament.
10am-4pm: The Woman’s Exchange of Old Lyme is hosting a Tax Free Day. The shop is one of a number throughout the country belonging to the national Federation of Woman’s Exchanges, founded in 1832. It is the oldest continuously operating charitable organization in existence. The Exchange serves consignors as a marketplace for fine handiwork, food specialties, and unusual gifts. All proceeds from the Woman’s Exchange of Old Lyme are donated to other non-profit groups in the shoreline area.
Tribal Crafts / Partnership Co-operative Annual Holiday Sale: Grand Opening Reception
10am-5pm: Old Lyme Marketplace next to the pharmacy. Sale featuring Native American crafts, Haitian art and Palestinian goods. Artist Paul Sand will create cottonwood root carvings during the event. Refreshments, wine, and a raffle.
Student Holiday Art Sale hosted by Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts of the University of New Haven
10am-4pm: Sill House Gallery Art on view through Dec. 10. Cash & Carry Sale. All proceeds go directly to the students.
5pm: Concert by ‘Brooklyn Rider’ hosted by Musical Masterworks at the First Congregational Church of Old Lyme. Second performance: Sunday, Dec. 4, at 3pm. Popular ensemble plays Boccherini, Beethoven and more. Tickets: $30 (adult), $5 (students) at MusicalMasterworks.org or 860.434.2252.
8pm: ‘Messiah’ Concert by Cappella Cantorum featuring the First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Choir at St. Paul RC Church, Waterford. Tickets: $25 at door or $28 at CappellaCantorum.org.
Second performance: Sunday, Dec. 4, at 3pm at John Winthrop MS, Deep River.
The following events are being held throughout the remaining weeks of December 2016 and, in some cases, into January.
Con Brio
Friday, Dec. 9 at 8pm & Sunday, Dec. 11 at 3pm. Christmas Concert at Christ The King RC Church. Tickets: $30 or $15 for students at conbrio.org or 860.526.5399.
Duck River Garden Club Annual Community Wreathmaking Event
Tuesday, Dec. 6: 6:30pm: Rogers Lake Community Center. Public invited to join Club in creating wreaths for town buildings.
Eastern Connecticut Ballet at The Garde, New London
Saturday Dec 10 at 1:30 & 7pm and Sunday, Dec 11 at 1:30pm. Nutcracker. Tickets at 860-444-7373 ext.1 or gardearts.org.
Florence Griswold Museum
Ongoing through Jan. 8, 2017: Magic of Christmas exhibition of beautifully decorated trees. Sleigh Days at The Museum Shop through Dec. 24. Open Tuesday through Sat. 10am-5pm, Sunday: 1-5pm. Tickets: $10 (adult), $9 (senior), $8 (student) at door.
Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts of the University of New Haven
Ongoing through Jan. 21, 2017. Metamorphosis: Alumni with a Master of Fine Arts Degree exhibition features artwork by college alumni who have subsequently received MFA degrees. Open Monday through Saturday, 10am – 4pm
Lyme Art Association
Ongoing through Jan. 6, 2017. Deck the Walls exhibition features more than 200 original works of art by member artists on display and priced to sell as holiday gifts. Open Wednesday through Sunday, from 10am-5pm, and by appointment.
Old Lyme Children’s Learning Center (OLCLC)
Saturday, Dec. 10, Old Lyme Holiday House Tour: 10am to 4pm. Holiday Boutique in Old Lyme Town Hall: 11am-3pm. Self-guided tour spotlights six delightfully decorated Old Lyme homes. Tickets: $25 from OLCLC / The Chocolate Shell. Tickets on day: $30.
Old Lyme Historical Society (OLHS)
Saturday, Dec. 10: Participant in OL House Tour. 10am-4pm: Sale of books and other merchandise at OLHS building. The Handweavers Guild will demonstrate weaving techniques on the Clement Community Loom. Saturdays, Dec. 10 & 17: 10am-2pm sale of books and other Society merchandise at Old Lyme Marketplace (exact location TBD)
Studio 80 + Sculpture Grounds
Saturday, Dec. 10: Participant in OL House Tour
Ongoing: Sculpture Grounds open daily from 10am to 5pm at 80-1 Lyme Street. Free admission.
The Cooley Gallery
Ongoing through Jan. 7, 2017: All Paintings Great and Small exhibition featuring historic and contemporary works of art 12″ in size or smaller. Tuesday through Saturday 10am-5pm and Sundays 12-4pm.