The Lyme-Old Lyme (LOL) Chamber of Commerce invites all readers — especially women — to its next Business Breakfast program on Wednesday, Nov. 2, from 7:30 to 9 a.m., when acclaimed entrepreneur Anne Garland will be the speaker in a program titled, “The Entrepreneurial Woman.” She will explore the visions, challenges and resources for women to make their dream a reality — while creating revenue.
This event, co-sponsored by the Town of Old Lyme, will be held in the Meeting Hall at the Old Lyme Memorial Town Hall, 52 Lyme St, Old Lyme CT.
You do not need to be a member of the LOL Chamber to attend — prospective Chamber members are encouraged to come and enjoy the presentation while also learning more about Chamber activities and how they can benefit your business. It is, however, stressed that not only are all welcome at the event regardless of your level of interest in the Chamber but also, that this is a ‘friend-raising event’ and not a fund-raising one.
Coffee and pastries will be served. To assist with planning, RSVPs by Oct. 31 to selectmansoffice@oldlyme-ct.
Forbes magazine said in early 2016, “The Golden Age of Women Entrepreneurs has begun.” Economists and academics agree women entrepreneurs are an under-tapped resource to rekindle our economy. More today than ever, women are looking at alternatives to the typical 9 -5 job that does not feed their souls.
Garland asks in this program, “Are you ready to unleash your dream?” and then gives sage advice on how to proceed.
With over 30 years working in sales and marketing in the corporate sector, Garland says she was a restless nine to fiver and always dreamed of having her own business to serve women in the community. Anne (pronounced Annie) , author, speaker and Creative Director and Founder of “The Idea Circle for Women ” in Connecticut 2009, is still producing enriching, entertaining experiences that provide extraordinary women an opportunity to grow together in meaningful ways.
2015 was an award-winning year for Garland as she shifted gears and took on a position as Managing Director and started the first chapter in the state of Connecticut for the eWomenNetwork, Greater Hartford and Shoreline. In just nine months, she broke many records including winning five chapter awards at their annual Dallas conference, the largest women’s conference in North America.