The Cooley Gallery hosts an opening reception for the annual holiday exhibition All Paintings Great and Small this evening from 5 to 8 p.m.
The exhibition features historic and contemporary works of art 12″ in size or smaller and for many in the area, this annual exhibition and opening celebration, which features 30 artists for its 30th year, has become an undisputed kick-off to the holiday season. Artists from around the country, with a concentration of works by artists in Connecticut, participate in this annual show.
For this year’s exhibition, the gallery is featuring select works by 30 contemporary artists. Each artist has been given “a wall” for their work. Gallery owner Jeff Cooley notes, “This show will be 30 little exhibitions within the holiday exhibition of select small works of art — these will be in addition to the upstairs gallery hung with historic small paintings. This slightly modified approach will offer an immediate overview of an artist’s work and may make this wonderfully large show a little bit easier to navigate.”
As in years past, All Paintings Great and Small offers a wide variety of subjects and media carefully chosen by the staff at the gallery. Three of the four galleries at 25 Lyme Street are hung “salon-style” with multiples by each artist hung from floor to ceiling and a wealth of varied artwork. Prices range from the low hundreds on up giving collectors at all levels a chance to acquire some truly wonderful original works of art.
In addition to the holiday show the gallery will feature recent acquisitions and paintings from the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
As in years past, All Paintings Great and Small offers a wide range of subjects and media carefully chosen by the staff at the gallery. Cooley notes, “We are a small operation. Everyone gets involved in everything here but especially with this exhibition: discovering artists and choosing their favorites. Lorre Broom, our gallery manager, orchestrates the logistics and artists. Nancy Pinney our website guru and an artist in her own right, makes sure the images are perfect and gets it all posted in time for people to get a start on their holiday shopping.”
The galleries at 25 Lyme Street are hung “salon-style” with multiples from floor to ceiling, and a wealth of varied artwork. Prices range from the low hundreds on up giving collectors at all levels a chance to acquire some truly wonderful original works of art. The other exhibition in the back gallery features recent acquisitions, paintings from the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
The show runs through Jan. 7, 2017.
Founded in 1981 and located in the heart of historic Old Lyme, the Cooley Gallery specializes in fine American paintings from the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries, including the Hudson River School, American Impressionism, and select contemporary artists.
Visitors are welcome and encouraged Tuesday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sundays 12 to 4 p.m. or online anytime at www.cooleygallery.com