The Old Lyme–Phoebe Griffin Noyes Library and St. Ann’s Church announce their collaborative program series,The Natural Beauty of Plum Island: Sea, Seals Sunsets and More beginning in September. The partnership will hold concurrent art exhibits and a lecture series.
The first art opening reception at the OLPGN Library will be held on Friday, September 16 from 5 to 7 p.m. St. Ann’s will host an art opening luncheon reception at 11:45 a.m. on Sunday, Sept. 18 following services.
In addition to the art exhibitions, a lecture series to educate the public about the island’s history, habitat and its preservation will be presented. The public is invited to attend the events and experience an amazing breadth of images of Plum Island in acrylics and pastels by painter John Sargent and photographs by Robert Lorenz. The two exhibits will run until Nov. 23.
Experience the unprecedented access given to Sargent and Lorenz that allowed them to create works depicting beaches, rocky shorelines and coves, wildlife and the occasional visitors who come by boat and ferries. Sargent is a retired art teacher with a studio at his Quaker Hill home and Lorenz a retired commercial photographer, who divides his time between Old Saybrook and New York City.
The lecture series offers four distinct perspectives on the island by experts who will share their insights and knowledge of its importance to our region. All programs begin at 7 p.m. and are free and open to the public. Note the location for each lecture.
Thursday, Sept 22 at OLPGN Library:
“Preserving Plum Island for Future Generations” by Chris Cryder, Special Projects Coordinator for Save The Sound and Outreach Coordinator for the
Thursday, Oct 6 at Saint Ann’s Church:
“Survey of the History of Plum Island” by Amy Folk, Collections Manager Southold Historical Society and co-author of the book “A World Unto Itself, The Remarkable History of Plum Island, New York”.
Thursday, Oct 27 at OLPGN Library:
“Plum Island’s Place in the Geological History of Southern New England” by Ralph Lewis Connecticut State Geologist Emeritus, and currently part-time Officiate of The Long Island Sound Resource Center at the University of Connecticut- Avery Point and a professor in residence in the Marine Studies Department at UCONN- Avery Point.
Thursday, Nov. 10 at Saint Ann’s Church:
“Plum Island’s Biodiversity, Birds, Bats, Bugs, and Basking Seals” by Matthew D. Schlesinger, PhD, Chief Zoologist New York Natural Heritage Program and Adjunct Assistant Professor, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry.
Registration is expected for all lectures.
For programs at the Library, visit www.oldlyme.lioninc.orgfor the online calendar of events or call 860-434-1684 and ask for the Reference Desk. To register at St. Ann’s Church, call 860-434-1621 or email [email protected].
The Library is located at 2 Library Lane, off Lyme Street in Old Lyme. Hours are Monday and Wednesday, 10am to 7pm; Tuesday and Thursday, 10am to 6pm; Friday, 10am to 5pm and Saturday, 10am to 4pm.