Updated information from State Rep. Devin Carney:
The closure of Exit 71 on and off ramps for Four Mile River Road (Exit 71) will begin 12 a.m., Aug. 8, and is expected to be completed by Aug. 22.
The reconstruction of the southbound Exit 71 on and off ramps will involve full depth pavement replacement.
Lane Closure/Detour Information
Motorists on I-95 can expect temporary lane shifts and/or closures during the evening between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m.
Motorists utilizing the Exit 71 southbound off ramp to access Four Mile River Rd. should use the off ramp for Exit 72 (Rocky Neck Connector) to Rte. 156 and Four Mile River Rd.
Motorists intending to access I-95 southbound should use Four Mile River Rd. to Rte. 156 to the Rocky Neck Connector and access I-95 Southbound via the Exit 72 on-ramp or use Rte. 1 or Rte. 156 to the Exit 70 on-ramp onto the Baldwin Bridge.
Motorists are encouraged to follow detour signs or use alternate routes.
Motorists are urged to obey the posted speed limit and proceed with caution when driving in this area.
that’s super smart during the summer with the added traffic!!